The Early Months

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Mykal was twelve at the time, I was twenty-four. After her lease horse had acted out at her she seemed upset, more upset then she already was that day, so I got her attention, and begged her to come closer to me. Once she was in reach I made a move that a horse makes when he picks his rider, I rested my head against her chest and sighed. I’m not sure if Mykal knew what she was accepting but she rested her head on mine, with out words telling me that she’d give me a chance. Mykal took me out and groomed me that day, commenting on how bad my coat looked since I hadn’t been ridden in weeks, she had a curry comb in her hand and worked the dead hair out of my coat, all the while talking to me. She brushed me until my coat was soft and gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

            Weeks went on like this, me being my little girls saving grace after school, often she’d come to me and cry after a bad seizure or emergency room visit, she’d hug my neck and tell me all her troubles as I listened and tried to make her feel better. Mykal would always say how bad she wanted to ride, how her life felt empty with out it although she knew she couldn't, so instead she’d groom me. My coat was getting better and I was happy, she’d tell me about school, her friends and her foes, she’d tell me about her teachers and her crushes, we’d talk about her doctors visits, her family, and cats. Mykal was slowly becoming my little girl.

            Every now and again Mykal would get her saddle out, try it on me and smile. “This would look beautiful on you” she’d always say as she cleaned it even though it were clean, I’d stand and keep her company, listen to her sing one song over and over again. That song? That was Glorious Way, my new show name. Finally in February 2011(the day after my twenty fifth birthday) Mykal was allowed to try and ride, the horse that she chose to ride was I. she tacked me up excitedly, with the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face. Aurora, one of Mykal’s best friends at the time, put me on a lead rope and led us like in the lead line pony classes. I carried my little girl like she was made of glass, after all to me she seemed so breakable, she laughed and smiled the whole time she was on my back.

            Slowly Mykal began to ride more and more, only at the walk to get her balance back, and again she chose me to ride. Mykal would help me relax; I would bring my head down for her and help her gain her confidence back. We began to trot again mid way through February, our movements in sync in a way that only I could feel. My little girl would post even better then she did before her seizures, I would like to think that this whole period of starting over was good for both of us, even though Mykal did not like it.

            By March Mykal had decided to enter us in a horse show, which at the time she was excited for, she hoped to be with her friends again. However seeing as it’s Mykal and I does anything ever go according to plan for us? Of course not you’d have to be crazy to say that it did.  Mykal got too excited and wanted to try and jump, I knew it was going to be a bad idea from the start. I refused jumps to try and change her mind, I wanted her to get the idea that it wasn't safe, but being the stubborn girl that she is she kept trying.

I felt it coming and didn't know what to do, so I stopped and waited. My little girl had a seizure on my back; all I could think to do was to move my body with hers until it was over. Next thing I knew I had people running up so me; grabbing at my bridle, trying to get my little girl off my back, I was not going to let that happen. I wouldn't let them touch her; I waited until my little girl had some balance before I began to walk, slowly I took steps as if she were a china doll, with the help of her mother we got her out of the arena to a standing applaud.

After that day I was called a hero for how I took care of Mykal, I am no hero though, I just simply love my little girl. Mykal around the same time began to work for her great aunt, or as Mykal called her “Auntie Ann”. Mykal worked with horses bigger then I, she loved them almost as much as she loved me. Mykal began balancing riding with work and having a blast with it, she’d come into the barn after work and tell me about that days adventure with the Friesians.

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