A Fresh Start

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November came and so did our first show in Texas, I had a feeling it really would not go well however it went better then I expected. Poor Mykal had tried cutting my mane into a hunter cut, only to get yelled at by our barn owner for it. “You don’t cut, you pull!” she had screamed as she pulled a large chunk of my mane out.

Mykal just stood there shaking her head. “I will do his mane the way I was taught!” Mykal challenged back; I knew it would go down hill from here.

“Well you were taught wrong, everything you know seems to be wrong!” the barn owner screamed again before waddling out of the barn.

Mykal and I stood there looking at each other for a good minute or so before she finally spoke. “I do not give a shit about what that bitch says, you're my fucking horse and I can cut your mane if I fucking want!” I knew that Mykal would be hell on wheels from that moment on. Mykal continued her rant for the rest of our time together that day fuming over how the woman was treating us. I do admit my girl has a mouth on her but that's because at Bridlewood we were around bull riders.

The next day Mykal came into the barn still fuming about the whole mane thing. She said that she had talked to Tyllore about it and she said both ways are common, but neither is right nor wrong.

I would rather not talk about that show. The judge did not like Mykal and me, which is as much as I will say. That same month Mykal got a puppy named Rayna, she is a Catahoula who Mykal loves as much as me. About a week after Mykal got Rayna we moved barns, and this barn was like Bridlewood on steroids. When we moved a vet saw me the moment we got there, Mykal was told that I would live to be at least forty-two, the day after this joyous news we were standing in my stall when she said to me. “I told Natalie and Tyllore about how long you’ll live” she smiled then sighed and leaned against the wall. “Natalie started crying and said, ‘I’m so glad I don't have to bury my best friend early’ she knows that I’m nothing with out you Boo.”

Natalie was right, it had never occurred to me how much Mykal depends on me until she told me of this event. I myself was thankful that I would be living so long. I knew that Mykal would live long, and hopefully by the time I’m gone she has another reason to live. However I am positive that her reason would be Rayna.

As December came along I could tell that Mykal’s patients were running thin with her principle, her moms best friend. Mykal would often come to the barn fuming over how mad she had made her, often times Mykal was mad about things such as how her principle acted toward the students. I had known that Mykal going to a school that was run by a family friend was a bad idea from the start. I wished I could tell Mykal and her mom that, however I cannot. I am a horse and cannot speak, which really sucks sometimes.

Mykal began riding a draft cross mare named Cookie that month, putting lots of love into her, which was just what the big mare needed. I was upset by it at first but them Mykal told me her story and I accepted and understood why Cookie needed so much love.

At the barn we had a Christmas party. Which was not a good night for Mykal or I. little Rayna ran between my hind legs scaring me, I kicked the puppy, throwing her against the gate. The leash was caught around my legs, scaring me more; I dragged that dog until the leash broke. I thought I had killed Mykal’s puppy, I was scared that I lost her love. However when I heard Rayna crying and Mykal trying to sooth her I knew everything would be all right.

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