I Am Hers

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By April Mykal had come up with one thousand dollars, she turned fourteen that month and for her birthday a few friends pitched in and gave her money to help buy me, I thank every one of her friends that helped. The price for me had been lowered by three hundred dollars, I was now $1,200 dollars and I must say my little girl was on a roll.

May was the month it happened. Mykal made and saved the last two hundred dollars she needed to buy me. May 23rd 2012 was the day it happened, the best day of my life, the day I became Mykal’s horse.

That June my health problem was fixed, so we though. I had eight teeth removed; I had a lot of relief after that. When Mykal came home from camp she came with stories of how she won “queen” or favorite girl camper, she brought a new bridle and bit for me. She brought me new reins, a new halter, new lead rope; I got a riser pad, and treats. This was a new life that I would adjust to quickly.

July I had two more teeth out, anything to prevent the infection from returning. My Little Girl and I began dressage. It was new for both of us but it was very fun. I got to know our new trainer, Michaela very well, I loved her and so did my little girl. Michaela and Mykal became instant friends, and I became good friends with Michaela’s Oldenburg mare Delenn. We often went for trail rides after our dressage lessons and had small adventures. In July my hooves began to fall apart. It was painful and it was believed to be from the infection that I had been fighting.

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