Our First Winter

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December was Mykal’s first winter with the Friesians, I would often watch in awe as the large horses pulled the carriage like it was nothing. The bells around the giants’ necks would jingle and everyone would know they were coming it was a beautiful sight.  By this time she had come up with one hundred fifty dollars, I knew that it would be a long way before she had the fifteen hundred needed to buy me but My Little Girl was determined to make me hers. That Christmas Mykal got five hundred dollars from her grandmother; instead of keeping the money for college she put it toward buying me.

January 2012 came and so did the cold, it was our first snowstorm together. I had a new blanket that Mykal had given me for Christmas to keep me warm. The roads were bad and Mykal could not get to the barn to see me for a week, during that time someone took off my warm blanket and put on a blanket that was thin, ripped and not waterproof. When the roads were clear and my little girl was able to come see me she was horrified by the sight of me in an old beaten up blanket. I was hyper, I had not been allowed out of my stall for a week, when Mykal came I could not control my energy, I bolted as soon as she got my halter on, I can tell you she was mad about that.

The next day she came out again, took my blanket off and walked me out behind the barn in the snow to groom me. I pawed the snow until I found grass. Mykal and I had a nice time out there in the snow; if she got cold she would hug me. Mykal had gone a few weeks without a seizure and was happier then I had seen her in a while. My little girl was smiling and that made my day.

 February was a quiet month; Mykal was in and out of being sick and having a few seizures. We had a quiet month until Mykal and her family got the offer to host a Japanese student, Mykal was so excited she could hardly stand it, counting down the days until she got to meet her student. Mykal finally had something on her mind other then the Epilepsy, which was an amazing thing.  

I only saw Mykal five times in the month of March, she was so happy to have someone to hang out with. Mykal would tell me all about the student she hosted and the other two. Mykal hosted a student named Mana, the other two girls were named Maho and Satomi, Mykal would tell me about the things they’d do together and the adventures they would have. All three girls seemed to hang out at Mykal’s house, they often had movie nights and what she called “sleep overs” I was glad to know that Mykal was having fun. I look back on this and wish I could thank all three girls for helping Mykal get her mind off of her seizures, so Mana, Maho, and Satomi if you ever read this I want to thank you.

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