Chapter 16

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Chapter 16- Sasha's P.O.V.

I was watching YouTube videos, until their was a knock on the door. I got up to answer it.

Once I opened the door, I quickly shut it closed. Why is she here?

I opened the curtains a little and peeked out the window. She's still out there. I was about to turn back towards the couch, until there was another knock. I stopped in my tracks to make sure she can't hear my footsteps.

"I know you're in there!" she yelled.

I stayed quiet. Maybe if I keep this up for a few minutes, she'll go away.

There was more knocking. Is she banging my door? Who does she think she is coming to someone's property and start banging the door?

I walked up to the front door and opened it. Lightning flashed when I saw her face... Rebecca.

"Okay who gave you the right to come up on my property?" I asked her while crossing my arms.

"Look, I need your help." she said.

Help with what?

"Sorry, I don't help-" I got cut off.


I unfolded my arms, "Nope sorry!"

I then closed the door in her face.

As I was walking back to the couch I heard a sigh. I was curious to see if Rebecca was going to leave or not.

I guess she sensed my movement because she started talking, "I-I'll give you whatever you want."

I opened the door, "You think coming over here and bribing me with things is going to make me help you? Besides what do you need help with?"

She took a deep breath.

"I want Kendall back."

Kendall's P.O.V.~

"Cassandra hurry up! The movie is starting!" I yelled.

"I'm coming!" she yelled back while walking to the livingroom. Once she sat down the movie started and she opened the tub of ice cream.

"Here you go." She said handing me a spoon. I quickly took it and turned my attention to the television. We are watching the Spider-Man movie.

During the movie, I put my spoon into the tub to eat more ice cream, but when I lifted my spoon up to my mouth, I felt two spoons in my mouth. I looked at Cassandra and she was holding back a laugh.

"Goodness Kendall, how many spoons do you need?"

I opened my mouth so she can take her spoon out and after she did I blushed.

Cassandra went into the kitchen to put the ice cream back in the freezer. When she came back, I turned to face her.

She looked at me, "Do you need a bib?" we both laughed.

Cassandra took her finger and wiped some ice cream off my chin.

"So what day is it today?" I asked her while pausing the movie.

"November second, why?" she asked confused.

"Oh just asking." I sighed. She forgot that it is my birthday today.

I got up but left my phone on to my messages, "I'm going to use the bathroom."

She nodded her head. As soon as I found a wall to watch her, I noticed she picked up my phone.

After she was done looking through, she began to cry softly. I hate seeing her this way.

I quickly ran to the bathroom and flushed the toilet then washed my hands to make sure Cassandra knew I was in the bathroom.

When I came out, I saw her trying to wipe her tears away.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked her while sitting back down.

"Kendall, i'm so sorry. I totally forgot that it was your birthday!"

"Shh it's okay. People forget things, that's what makes us human. It's not a big deal okay?" I wrapped my arms around her to know that everything is okay.

"You're right, but i'm sorry for not remembering though." she said while looking up at me.

"Don't worry about it okay? Besides, the day is not over yet." I explained to her.

She smiled, "Happy Birthday Kendall!"

I smiled back, "Thanks!"

We both shared a kiss and then continued watching Spider-Man.

At the end of the movie, Cassandra had fell asleep. I picked her up and took her to her room.

After I tucked her in, I went downstairs and then heard thunder. Also I saw lightning. Both the thunder and lightning came at the same time and that's when I heard a scream.

"Kendall!" Cassandra screamed. I ran upstairs to her room and saw her shaking and crying.

" I'm right here." I said while rubbing her back to calm her down.

We sat in silence except, the rain was pouring and Cassandra was sniffling. I gave her a tissue.

"Thanks." she said.

I kissed her on the cheek and started walking out her door.

"Wait Kendall."

I turned towards her.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can you sleep with me tonight?"


I went to the bed and put the blanket over us. Cassandra snuggled right into me while I wrapped my arms around her. She soon fell asleep.

Cassandra looks so cute when she's sleeping. I soon fell asleep too.

Sasha's P.O.V.~

"So let me get this straight. You want Kendall back?" I asked.

"Yes, how many times do I have to tell you?" Rebecca said.

"But you can't have him because he's taken."

"Taken? He's heartbroken!" Rebecca yelled.

"No he's not. Why would he be heartbroken?" I asked while leaning on the door frame.

"Because of our breakup! I mean look at me i'm so nice and have everything that he has never gotten from any girl he has dated." she explained.

"Well, he's currently happy right now."

"Wait, who is he dating?" she asked.

"Don't you read social media? It's everywhere." Rebecca took out her phone and started typing. After she was done looking for answers, she looked mad, more like angry.

"Her? He can do way better, I mean she is so ugly!" She yelled. Now i'm mad.

"She is also my sister! Don't you ever insult her like that! And you were never nice, Kendall was practically miserable."

"He was not, he was happy until she had to show up!"

"Get off my property!" I yelled as I closed the door. I looked out the window and saw her driving off.

When will she ever learn?


Chapter 16 is done! So, I won't be updating this story for a while because i'm going to be out of the country for spring break. I'll update as soon as I can when I get back! My other story 'Meant for me and you', i'll update as many chapters as I can before I leave. Well vote, leave feedback (:

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