Chapter 11

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I got up and got ready to talk with Zayn.

"Jadey, I'm gonna go out for a while"

"Aww, I'm gonna be lonely"

"I'll be back in a hour, just watch Disney or something"

"Okay, be safe" She said, wrapping her arms around me. I kissed her before walking out. I made my way over to Nandos to see Zayn waiting inside. I took a deep breath and slowly walked over to him.I can't believe I'm doing this,I thought. I walked over to him and sat down.

"Hey Perrie"

"Hey Zayn, I'm surprised that you're not getting mobbed by your fans"

"Actually,  that happened before you came here."

"Oh good I missed out on that part"

"Lucky you."

"Haha, yeah"

"So, what did you need help with?"

"Oh yeah, umm, well you see, today at the studio, Simon told Jade and I that we have to break up or there won't be a Little Mix anymore. He said the same thing to Jesy and Leigh. So we decided to fake break up and get fake boyfriends"

"Oh, I see. You want me to be your "Boyfriend" so you and Jade can stay together"

"Yeah, but only if you'll be okay with it. " I said. Please don't say no, Please don't say no.

"Of course I'm gonna help you"


"Yeah, I think you and Jade are cute together. And I kinda owe you a favor for being a dick in the past."

"Thank you so much Zayn!" I said hugging him over the table.

"No problem"

"Okay, I gotta get back to Jade now or she'll be lonely"

"Alright, see you later Perrie"

"Bye Zayn" I said before walking home. I got home to find Jade passed out on the couch.  I giggled and sat on top of her.

"JADE WAKE UP!" I said,bouncing up and down on her.She groaned and shoved me off of her. I landed on my bum and i playfully hit Jade.

"That was not pleasant." I said. She stuck her tongue out at me.

"So,where'd you go?" She asked.

"Oh, I went and found my fake boyfriend."

"Who's your fake boyfriend?" She asked, in a jealous tone.

"Babe, don't be jealous, hes just my fake boyfriend. and it's,umm."

"Who is it?"


"Wait, Zayn Malik? As in the Zayn that broke your heart 3 years ago?"


"Why him?"

"Because, I don't know, he just the only person I could think of that actually would help me out with this"

"Why couldn't you get someone else?"

"Cause I don't wanna fake date a stranger"

"But Zayn? He cause you to go through 2 years of bullying and you're having him help you?"

"Jade, He's helping me and that's final! I don't want to talk about this anymore!And I'm starving!" I said. Jade gave me a confused look.

"Weren't you just at nandos?"

"Yeah, but I didn't eat anything, and the babies are craving bacon!"

"Bacon?We don't have any more bacon."Jade said. My eyes widened and I started to fake cry.

"Fine, I'll go get some bacon for you" Jade said, getting up and putting her shoes on. I ran over to her and hugged her.

"I really do love you"

"I know you do, and I love you"

"I can tell that you love me, you're buying me bacon at 9 pm"

"No, there many other reasons why I love you, lets just say this is one of them"

"Okay, I still love you more"

"I love you most"

"Should've known that she was gonna quote Disney"

"Yep! I'll be back in a hour"

"Okay, be safe baba!I love you"

"Love you too" She said before kissing me. I kissed back and then she broke apart,and left.




2 hours passed, and no sign of Jade.Nothing.Not a text,call, tweet. I'm really worried. She should've been here ages ago. I picked up my phone and tried calling her again, for the 20th time. Again, it sent me to her dial tone.

"Jadey, I'm really worried, hurry up and come home! I miss you." I said before hanging up. I sighed and sat down,tears threatening to spill. What if something bad happened to her? What if she got in a accident? I thought. I called Jesy.

"Jesy, Jade hasn't came home yet, shes been out for 2 hours!" I screamed the second she answered.

"What? Perrie, talk slower so I can understand you."

"Jade went out earlier to get me bacon, and she hasn't come back yet. She been gone for 2 hours!" I said slower.

"Oh god, I get Leigh up and we'll come over."

"Okay,but hurry?"

"Of course" She said and hunged up. I started pacing around the room, waiting for Jesy and Leigh to get over here. I kept checking my phone, just in case Jade called or texted me. But no, every time I looked it was just a empty screen. Where the hell is Jade? A few minutes later Jesy and Leigh barged in. Normally I would've said,"Jeez somebody needs to learn to knock," But I was not in the mood for joking.

"Has Jade contacted yet?"

"No, she hasn't called or texted yet!"

"Woah, Perrie, you need to calm down, all this stress isn't good for the babies" Jesy said. I took a deep breath and sat down. Jesy went to go get me a glass of water, and Leigh was trying to calm me down. Jesy handed me a glass and I chugged it down. Suddenly I began to cry, and Jesy and Leigh pulled me in for a hug. They hugged me for a couple of minutes, before my phone started ringing. I picked it up and instantly answered it.


"Hello, is this Perrie Edwards?"

"Yes, that's me."

"You are listed as Jade Thirlwall's emergency contact. She has been in a severe car crash and may not make it. We need you here at Lincoln hospital as soon as possible so we can have some paperwork signed."

My phone slipped out of my hand, as I sat there in complete shock. My eyes were wide open and I was frozen.

"Perrie, are you okay"

"J J Ja-de is a at t-he hosp-ital" I stuttered out. They had the same reaction.

"W We ne-ed to get th-ere. NOW!" I said, tugging on Jesy's sleeve. She nodded and we rushed to her car. Jesy wasted no time getting to the hospital. We all rushed in through the front doors.

"Jade Thirlwall?" Leigh asked the receptionist. She gave us a sad look and said.

"Room 42"

Jade was on the life threatening level.


Hello there! I tried to make this chapter long, hope you liked it. leave your thoughts about Zerrie "Dating" again in the comment section! Alright, i am extremly tired, so i gotta go. Update for you lovely people later. BYE!


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