Chapter 20

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My eyes shot open as I woke up to the sound of a baby crying. I sat up to see Perrie sleeping. I got up slowly and walked over to Scott and Sarah's cots, and found Sarah crying. Picking her up, I sat down in a chair with her in my arms. She kept crying, and I started singing softly.

"Stones, taught me to fly,

Love, taught me to lie

Life, taught me to die

So it's not hard to fall

When you float like a cannonball" Sarah quieted down and started to close her eyes.

"You're a cutie, you know that?" I cooed at Sarah. She had her eyes opened sleepily and a tiny smile on her face. I smile back at her, admiring her features.She fell asleep after awhile, and I gently kissed her forehead and placed her back in the cot. I looked over at Scott, who was still sleeping peacefully. My smile grew wider and I walked back to Perrie, who was waking up. I looked at the time, 7:37. Perrie sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"What time is it?"Perrie yawned, obviously still tired.

"Pretty early, you should get some rest."

"I heard one of them crying."

"Its was Sarah, but shes sleeping now" I said, crawling next to her.

"Babe, you really should sleep, you did give birth to twins yesterday." I said, putting my arm around her now thinner body.

"But what if one of them wake up again?"

"I'll take care of it, baba." I pulled her closer to me, and within minutes we were both asleep again.


Perries pov


"Perrie wake up babe!" My eyes shot open to Jade's voice and a baby crying.

"What? What happened? " I said, sitting up slowly.

"Scott needs feed" Jade said quietly.

"Hand him over." She gave me Scott and I smiled at him. I unbuttoned my top and started feeding Scott. I looked down at him, then back up to Jade.

"This feels weird."

"Really?" Jade asks, picking up Sarah.

"Kinda, because your watching"

"Like I haven't seen your boobs before" Jade says with sarcasm in her voice.

"Yeah, I guess your right."

"Ladies your free to leave whenever you like to." A nurse says before walking out.

"Thank you I guess"  Jade yells out. I giggled and looked down at Scott again. He finished and I placed him in my lap. I buttoned up my top and put Scott back in my arms.

"You wanna leave soon?" Jade asked, stanging next to me.

"Yeah, this bed is really uncomfortable. "

"I know, you kept moving!"

"Not my fault, I don't know what I do in my sleep."

"You move in your sleep, thats what you do."

"So? You snore!"

"So? Not my problem. " Jade says. I laugh and got out of the bed slowly. I placed Scott in his cot and grabbed the change of clothes Jesy and Leigh brought me.

"I'm gonna go change." I said to Jade, kissing her cheek. She mumbled a okay and I went to the bathroom to change out. I came back a few minutes later and heard Jade singing a song I haven't heard before. I listened closely as she sang.

"We'll always be together,

Don't you worry, oh

I'll always be by your side

Don't you worry

Don't you worry, no no no

The circle will never end

Just know that we'll meet again

And we'll always be together

Forever always, oh

I am here" Jade sang.

"What song was that?" I asked.

"Oh, that was a song I wrote a few years ago. " She replied.

"Its a good song, maybe we can put it on our album?" I said. We need only 2 more songs for our album.

"Oh, sometimes I forget that we are writing a album."

"Yeah, and if we do put it on the album we only need 1 more song to write."

"Okay, I'll talk to Management about it" She said, picking up Scott.

"Ready to go?" She asked. I nodded and picked up Sarah.

"Lets go!" I shout, walking backwards to the door.

Yeah,  I'm still practically a child, and I'm a mom. My kids will grow up to be AWESOME!


Okay, my fault, I was being really lazy with this chapter

but then again when am I not lazy?

Oh! My boyfriend told me today that he was cheating on me, and I said to him,"Thats cool, I was planning on dumping your stupid ass anyways"

so yeah, now im single. but thats a good thing, I'm done with boys.

what else was I gonna say...

hmm, I'll remember next time.

Gonna go now



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