Chapter 18

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Jade pushed past people as she pead me to Jesy and Leigh, who were talking to Marcus and Janet.

"Hey, look who finally showed up!" Jesy said.

"Hey Lesy, Marcus and Janet!" Jade said, hugging Marcus and Janet.

"Oh, they get hugs but we don't,  I see how it is." Leigh mumbled loud enough for us to hear. I walked over to them and hugged them, hoping Leigh would shut up and stop complaining.

"Woah Perrie! You've grown haven't you?" Jesy said, pointing at my bump.

"Not my fault I'm having twins." I said, fake pouting.

"Wait, you're pregnant Perrie?" Janet askes. Marcus looked up from his phone when she said that.

"Yeah, I'm having twins." I said smiling.

"No way thats amazing!" She says, hugging me. Marcus came over and hugged me too.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get us some water, I'll be back in a minute or 2."Jade says, pecking my lips.

"Hurry!"I whined.

"You two are so cute together."Marcus says.

"Not as cute as Lesy."I said pointing at Leigh and Jesy, who were sharing a shot together, even though they both have 2 shots each.

"I guess."Marcus says.

We got into a conversation about the names, gender and other stuff, and I looked over to see Frankie making his way over to Jade. I watch carefully as I see Frankie push Jade against the wall, clearly drunk as fuck. Jade struggles and tries to push him off of her, but she fails. I guess the others noticed that I was staring, cause Marcus waved his hand in front of my face.


"Who are you staring at?"

"Over there where Frankie is kissing Ja-WHAT THE HELL HES KISSING JADE!"I shout out. Janet and Marcus looked over to where Jade was pinned to the wall with Frankies lips pushed against hers. Lesy finally stopped snogging to look over there as well. I was about to go over there to slap the hell out of Frankie,  but Marcus stopped me.

"Let me take care of this."He says. He then took the shot out of Jesys hand, chugged it down, placed it on the table and walked over to Frankie.

"He took my shot!" Jesy whined. Leigh handed Jesy hers, and that seemed to satisfy her. I rolled my eyes and looked over to see Marcus pulling off Frankie and punching him in the face a couple of times.Jade slid down against the wall and burried her face in her knees.Marcus shoved Frankie down before walking back.I rushed over to Jade and put my arms around her.She was sobbing in my neck.

"I'm sorry Perrie! I swear I didn't kiss him, He-"

"I know Jade, I believe you."

"I'm sorry"

"Jade you don't need to apologize,  I saw what happened. "I said, rubbing her back.

"Should we go home now? We could watch a movie and get a pizza." I ask her, considering she's driving.

"Yeah" Jade said. I stood up and pulled her up. We went over to a now Drunk Leigh and slightly tipsy Jesy.

"We're gonna head back to our flat." Jade says, hugging them. We said bye to Janet and Thanked Marcus.

"Well, now I'm even more convinced that you are the best kisser ever." Jade says pulling me to her car.

"That's good, your gonna be stuck kissing me for a while now."

"And thank god for that." Jade says. I giggle as we left.


"What kinda of pizza do you want?" Jade asks, putting her phone to her ear.

"Any of them that has  bacon."

"Really?"I nod.

"As long as if I don't have to go out."

"Are you kidding? You are not aloud to leave unless I go with you."

"Sounds fair"


Hey! How ya doing?

Okay, I have nothing against Frankie, I just couldn't think of anyone else in that season to put there . Which reminds me, Who, besides Little Mix, in season 8 of the UK X Factor did you like most? Mine is Janet (But I like little Mix better).

Alright, I'm gonna go do something pointless.



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