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Monday, March 17, 2014, 11:56PM                         THE SNOW!

I strangely wake up on my own. I was excited to go to school, except the it’s a Monday part.

I found out it snowed over night! I hate snow; especially we have missed so many days of school because of it!

I sat and watched videos!

I soon got a message from Annie, saying that they are trying to pass a law that will make fan-fics, fan art, fan pages, covers, cosplay/roleplaying, and parodies illegal! I don’t have much to say about my experience of panic, but I can talk about how this will affect me if it was passed!

I decided my occupation, being a youtuber, when I read a fan-fiction on pewdiepie, I relised how much his fans cared for him! How much people watch him and how much he makes them feel better!

I have always wanted that! Getting that appreciation for doing something I wanted to do!

I have also been very creative with drawing and singing. I thought that my creativeness could start me off on my carrier! Also see how other people feel about my carrier!

If this law would pass, I would be in Jail and suffer large fines, because I would refuse to listen to a law that ruins our creative rights! Which means I would probably one of the biggest criminal alive for just wanting to write a fan-fiction on Gavin Free.

After a while of spaming every fan page from the Anime team to the Toby Turner fan-page I just sat back and watched the petition get more and more signatures with just 2 days left!

I finally got ready for practice at the praise band, for this week it’s finally my turn to sing!

When I got there I already felt the need to just leave! I didn’t do much! I only complained about how my mic was barely on and Len’s guitar was overpowering all of us!

Marc and I talked about his son Jeff or ree! (That is how I pronounce his name to make him mad lolz) He apparently usually complains about a lot of things, but when we did the famine and he first met me, he didn’t complain about anything! He also can apparently know when people are making him do work, and complains about that. I feel I was making him do most of the work when we went house to house to get canned food for a food drive, but I really tried to split it.

I can usually see through people, and read their auras and how they feel about other people, but with Jeff or ree, I can’t read him at all! And forget sarcasm, I can never tell when someone is being serious or not, but with Jeff or ree, I know clearly when he uses it! He even told me that not most people could tell!


After practice I talked to David and watched videos.

My mom asked me to let the dog out, which I did! It’s just that stupid do sat 2 feet from the door for 20 minutes strait as I called her name to come in and she just STAIRED AT ME! After the 21st minute I said “SCREW IT LET MY MOM DO IT BECAUSE THIS DOG CLEARLY HATES ME!” I went upstairs annoyed and watched videos to calm me down.

FTW (that can either mean fuck the world in a serious way, or for the win in a sarcastic way…just so you know)

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