The Play Once Again/The Long Nap

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Saturday, March 15, 2014       The Play Once Again!

I woke up on my time, which made me feel so good being able to sleep in! I sat on my computer laughing at videos that went up! I was pretty bored because not to many videos were put up in the night.

I relised I slept pretty late into the day and had to get ready to got to the play! I was so excited to see it once again!

I put my hair in pigtails and curled the ends. I packed my bag for the sleepover at my friend Madison’s house and ran to the car, wearing my favorite long black skirt, and purple Marceline shirt.

I zoned out I was excited to see David!

I was going to have a packed weekend, and the only thing I had on my mind was seeing David.

We got there and sat in the lobby until David screamed my name and we ran towards each other, because we missed each other so much.

He had to get ready for the show so we kissed each other, to then hear one of his fellow actors tease him for him. I giggled all the way to the theater room, to get ready to lead people to their seats. I got to see Lisa and her older brother! I didn’t sit with them, but still it was nice to see them and their mother (their mom took care of an allergic reaction I had, because of medicine I was taking).

Although I felt Tom was looking at me throughout the entire play.

I finally met David’s mother! She was so cute, kind of like my sister’s friend’s mom!

I stood in one spot, because no one thought I was an usher! I just sat there with a smile saying, “welcome!” My cheeks started to hurt after a while.

At least I saw a guy that looked like Brandon Urie, a singer from Panic at the Disco! He had slick back black hair, and a cute nose ring! I got to lead him to his seat, because he actually thought I was an usher!

I sat in a row that had NO one in it! I was happy because I wasn’t crowded with people to the right of me! (I don’t know why I liked having the row to myself, I just liked it).

I was so engulfed in the play, once again! It was more beautiful than ever, and seeing David doing so much better made the play even better!

The first intermission happened, I followed Lisa and her mom to the bathroom, and also got some water. I didn’t really talk much I just wanted to see the rest of the play!

We quickly hurried back to our seats and I got all comfy!

The second part played out and it was so awesome, and a lot better then the first time I watched it! The last song always gets me and left me breathless! (I will add the entire play in the videos attached to this when my mom puts it on youtube, but for now I have the highlights up)

I gave David a hug and a kiss because he was so awesome! (Even though his mic wasn’t on!)

I wasn’t able to get a goodbye hug because we were pulled away from each other because of the big crowd!

I got our car and I was SO hungry because I didn’t eat ANYTHING all day! My dad said he was taking my mom and I to McDonald’s! Of course my dad thinks I wasn’t that hungry at all because he bought me a friken HAPPY MEAL! And because of Michele Obama, I basically starved on the sad excuse fir a happy MEAL!

I got to the party and they were just getting home from whatever they were doing!

I walked in and we instantly were making jokes! We made so many sexual innuendo jokes!

After cake and presents we picked a movie to watch! After getting slapped by my friend who wanted to watch catching fire, we decided to watch Dark Shadow! I had fun because I called Dibs on Barnibus! We all fought over characters that we wanted to be! I called dibs on the witch for various reasons! (If you watched the movie you would know why)

We all went googoo over Johnny Depp; he was so smexy in the movie we wanted to eat his face!

Then we watched Edward Scissor Hands and Awed at every moment that Johnny did something cute and innocent!

After that we sat and talked about pretty serious stuff! We talked about our social studies teacher and our crushes! We also talked about my boyfriend David, and Marina was trying to convince me to break up with him, for good reasons. I didn’t completely listen (I don’t plan on breaking up with him). They did make me feel better on everything that happened with David though.

We also talked about my problem with Jeremy and they told me, “if David doesn’t care that you held hands with another guy or even kissed another girl on the cheek! (Btw I told him everything if I didn’t say it already) Then maybe Jeremy cares for you more than David does!” That really got me thinking!

Marina and Kelsey stayed up until 4:00 in the morning!

Sunday, March 16, 2014, 11:49PM                  A Long Nap!

I woke up on my own and found out that someone wrote Hello in black permanent marker on my leg and Hi on my elbow in pink highlighter!

I had chocolate chip waffles, and started to get ready

I brushed my teeth and changed out of my Pj’s to my church clothes.

I was singing Le Mis songs all day! “Red, I feel my soul on fire! Black, My world when she’s not there! Red, The color of desire! Black, The color of DISPAIR!”

I put my hair in a bun and fell back asleep on Marina’s lap. My mom finally picked me up and I fell asleep, again, in the car ride there.

When I got there they were practicing without me!

If I haven’t mentioned before, a lady kicked out all the younger people in the praise band because she can’t sing and is not very attractive, so to make herself look prettier and sound better in comparison! Because most people would be suspicious if we just disappeared, one young girl sings once every 3 weeks. Today was my friend Kat’s turn.

She was so upset because it felt so weird singing without me up there with her!

At least I got to sit next to another old crush named Matt! He is pretty cool; he is shy and pretty cute! (I know I have a lot of crushes, But David and I said it’s ok to have crushes because we both have a lot of them).

After church Kat and I ranted about the lady that “kicked” us out. We also talked about the series we are making called the Apocalypse (comeing out some time in April). I told her some awesome ideas!

My mom and I left and when we got home I was so tired! I played Internet games and messaged David. He was playing Dark Souls so we didn’t talk too much.

I passed out and woke up somewhere around 9ish and my dad brought me food.

Pretty much another Sunday!

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