Fighting On The First Day Of Spring!

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Thursday, March 20, 2014, 10:33PM      Fighting On The First Day Of Spring!

I woke up with no good intentions to go to school, but I really had to because I had too much crap to do to add on homework that I was supposed to get. I was still pretty mad at David.

I got into Annie’s car and I said I might be a little out of it because of yesterday, and because she reads my wattpad stories, she knew.

We danced and sung to the songs that came on, and when we got to school we were just joking around, her trying to take my mind off it.

When we sat at the table I told Olivia that I was mad at David, and to just not get involved if I don’t say anything to him. Olivia was trying her hardest to make me smile, but I refused to.

David then walked in and I tried my hardest not to look at him. I scooted over so he could sit next to me, because I didn’t feel like talking about why I was mad.

We were silent towards each other for most of the time we had to sit there. When we left the cafeteria to head to our first class, we argued on how I “wasn’t mad” and he refused to go to his class until I told him. I was able to convince him to go to his class before he got in trouble, regretting I didn’t tell him. He hugged me and I didn’t want to leave the warmth of his hug, but I had to get to sit down and just talk to myself.

My first class was English, and the only thing we did was work on vocabulary used to make poetry. I felt pretty excited for the poetry section, because I have alwaysed-loved poetry, cheesy and beautiful.

Class went pretty fast, then it was time for math, a dreaded period!

Like always our little group did nothing, we just hung out. Olivia wanted to know if I wanted to talk about why I was upset, I said no. She asked what I was going to tell David after school, and I said I think I know, but I don’t want to talk about it. She then asked if I was going to break up with him. I broke free of my depressing trance and looked her and said NO! HE IS MINE! Then making us both laugh, making me feel a little better about the situation.

I went to lunch and was pretty quiet. I got my favorite pizza, stuffed crust, then to get another one from Marina who wasn’t hungry.

I blanked out and quickly finished eating and walked outside. I met Lisa and gave her a big hug. Hugging her usually makes me feel better even when I’m not sad, and I really needed one at that moment.

I explained the situation, and even though it didn’t make sense at first she understood. I walked to choir by myself, because she got caught up talking to Ethan. (she also walked a different way to choir.)

I met her half way; I missed the door and screamed I MISSED THE DOOR! HALP!

We were all snuggly on the risers and I blanked out again. I wasn’t really responding to anyone, and everyone’s voice was just a muffled mumble. I was staring into space and my vision blurred to just one color. My fingertips started to tingle until I couldn’t feel Lisa’s shoulder or even her with her head lying in my lap. My trance broke when I heard what sounded like David saying my name, to find out it was Lisa looking at me. She said that my eyes diluted and it looked like I was dead, but sitting up.

I shook that experience off.

We had to get up and stand in a circle for a part in the Bella’s final song that we are working on because the alto1s and 2s couldn’t hear each other. I sat next to Lisa and we started snuggling once again, but since we were in a circle people were staring. I thought it was funny, so every 5 seconds Lisa and I would giggle. I got to try on her ring! I alwaysed-loved her rings because of the cute gems on them.

An announcement told all middle school to go to the gymnasium! I got a little stresses because I was going to do a homework assignment during that activity period, but couldn’t.

Lisa and I walked down the hallway trying to sync our footsteps together. We heard people behind us joking around about us, but I have been going through so much crap that I didn’t care anymore.

Lisa and I sat down next to each other pointing people out in the high school section just across from us. We giggle and laughed as we tried to give directions by looking at people and saying no up up ok left no to far left go right!

I saw David, I’m pretty sure he saw me too, and I felt a little upset because I have been ignoring him all day.

The assembly was basically a concert for the piano majors. I was happy because I knew everyone who preformed. I was so proud of them. I felt so calm, and all of my stress melted away as I listened to the beautiful music coming from every strike of a key.

When it was over Lisa and I waited for Eric to come out. He was using his Russian voice to talk to us. He gave Lisa a hug, then picked me up and carried me to my class. Lisa was laughing saying put my daughter down!

I got my stuff and headed to movement and fitness, I didn’t have my late homework assignment so now I got a zero for that (thumbs up with a smile).

We were trying to get our dance together, because we are doing a grease styled tap dance. My partner being Lukas. Gio, my little “sister” (not my real sister) was helping since she has taken tap before. Davion walked over, and all of his ass holeness, asked if Lisa and I were dating because we were snuggling in the gym. I got pissed off and started to walk towards him and hit the mat that he was holding. We started to joke around and I called him Dumbledore, and he called me Jackie Chan.

We worked super hard on our dance, so much that I really needed water, but high school dancers were out there and I was scared to go out there.

After class Davion were being stupid. We decided the way we greet each other from now on is ‘hey asshole” “what up batch”. We also started talking about Lilo and Stitch making several references. We said our byes after making jokes about the youtube series Dick Figures; talking about how the character red is basically Davion. (I will link the video we were referencing)

I met David in the lobby, not getting a hug. He was talking to his friend Meredith. I refused to look at him, making me more and more upset to not see his cute brown eyes. Annie and I exchanged notes on her Ipod and she showed David a note she wrote (David later told me it said “It’s nothing major, paranoia”). David started to get super irritated because I was being quiet and not responsive, and I wouldn’t tell him why I was “mad” which at this point wasn’t anger.

He left, soon after Annie and I walked to the water fountain so I could get a drink. I took a long gulp of water and we grabbed our book bags. We ended up basically following my Ex out. I tried to make it seem like I was having fun, and not being a miserable mope. Annie brought up how during One Incredible Night (at her church that I now officially go to!) we are going to a place with an arcade (complete with a simulator), laser tag, and bumper cars! Then after that bowling! I’m excited for this year!

We passed my Ex laughing as we talked about it! She asked if I was going to get a free water ice at Rita’s. I said no, then my dad took us! We hummed in lined and even sung some stuff as we waited for our turn to get water ice! (No, we didn’t care that the line was long and people were listening to us!)

Getting water ice made me feel a lot better, but not completely.

We dropped her off and went home. I went downstairs, threw away my cup and got a cup of milk. I chugged the cup and walked upstairs then flopping on my bed and TO THE INTERNET I GO!

David and I got to talking and I finally told him by sending him a link to yesterday’s page. He apologized, and then I apologized because even though he says it’s entirely his fault, I noticed that I took it to far and took it to close to heart like I always do (a negative trait I got from my mom). Plus I completely over reacted and was just upset about ignoring him like that. I felt like a complete bitch, but he made me feel so much better.

I passed out a couple times, but then we decided it would be the best for the both of us to go to bed, because of our long day.

(I couldn't get the link to the video to dick figures to work, so you might need to write the link in the search engeine by hand but i'm telling you, it is WORTH it! )

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