Fluffy Pigtails

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 6:30PM        Fluffy Pigtails!

I wake up and the first thing I do is run to the bathroom to take out my bun. My hair was super frizzy, so the best thing I could do was put them in pigtails.

I was super tired, because I was up pretty late, for no reason.

I got into Annie’s car, and we totally fan-girled over the SOPA thing. We had a long conversation on how fan girls make up 3/4ths of the worlds population, the 1/4th being Obama’s army. Plus I’m pretty sure even half of them are fan-girls.

We got to school and Olivia was all messed up because of it.

David got there and even he got into the big conversation of it.

The first class we had was movement and fitness. I sat down with Molly, Mary, and Lukas; we basically messed around because we didn’t do much.

We all started taking pictures of Lukas and sending them to other people!

(Time went really fast today)

I went to English, which we were supposed to finish our packets, but I was already finished so I just hung out.

We went to lunch and continued our conversation about SOPA, then making Kate go insane over it! She wanted to get super violent with whoever created SOPA, but we were able to calm her down.

I then headed off to Choir. Annie started playing a game where she said really loud, ”OH NO NOT TODAY!” causing Lisa and I to ask ”what?” Annie then falling backwards making an elephant noise, causeing me to laugh so hard until I was way to tired to ask questions. I snuggled up next to Lisa and passed out in her lap. She played with my pigtails.

In yoga, I went to the library and was making a youtuber PowerPoint, for no reason.

I last went to math; I spent the majority of math in the nurse’s office.

I asked for a bandage and Mr. Edwards said to go to the nurse. I saw Lauren their, and another teacher walked in.

The nurse helped Lauren and started talking to the teacher that walked in. Then she got a phone call and told us all to wait in the hallway till she was done her phone conversation. I JUST WANTED A BAND-AID!

We all got back into the office and she gave me my band-aids for my fingertips.

When I got back I quickly copied Jordan’s homework, and started to draw. I heard Elsie call me a whore, but paid no attention to it because I didn’t want to start anything.

I left math and ran to the lobby where I hung out with David. We acted out a part in my apocalypse story; he didn’t take it too seriously.

Once I got home, I sat on my bed and messaged David for a little while then passing out till the next day!

(This is why it’s a LITTLE late)

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