Chapter 3

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The next day I wake up to Blake shaking me with a gun in his hand and Apollo licking my face. A red light goes across the room. Beedo beedo beedo. "Blossom, get up! There's been a break in the town!" As I get up slowly I almost kiss him. Again. This time he doesn't blush.

"Get up! I have orders to take you to safety until you have your abilities!" What is he talking about? Abilities? Wait a minute, that's breaking one of my conditions!
"Am not going to safety I can fight for myself! And Blake, you can cover me. Gotta sword on you?" Instead of answering he just runs over and opens  a cabinet then pulls out a sword. He tosses it to me if we go out of the house. People with swords to guns are attacking. Since there's only a few of us we could easily be finished off. The guy they call Niko gets shot in a bad spot but not one to instantly kill. Mrs. B and a girl they call Amber is taking care of him. Swiftly i take out all the men with swords and knives but one man got a gun to my head. Uh-oh. Everyone else quickly surrenders and i become furious. I can't believe they gave up so easily! So pathetic! Suddenly a wave of electric water rushes into every intruder, electrifying all of them. The water disappeared once it killed them all and swept their bodies away. Nothing was wet and it was like it was never there. Everyone, even Niko, who was unconscious before, gawked at me. Why are they staring at me? I didn't do that. I couldn't have. Am a nor-I take that back. I was born with blue hair so... normal wouldnt be a good word for me. When I look down, am no longer in the armor or clothes I was wearing before. Instead am wearing a long silky off shoulder princess dress. It was real beautiful if you asked me and I had arm warmers. Every part of the outfit was perfect. It was sea green at the top and lake blue at the bottom. Every inch was sparkly, it had no bling, yet sparkly. As i touched my hair, i feel a crown and feel that my hair is in a waterfall braid. When I go back to my room, Blake and Amber follows me like children. I guess what happened...well, what I think happened, excited them. I sigh deeply.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"

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