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Aphmau's POV

*Play Song*

I strap my diamond sword to my back and adjust my armor.

We were going to invade Zane's house, which Vlyad found out was just on the outskirts of O'kasis.

I check myself in the mirror, my face still beat red.

I slap my cheek, trying to make it go away.

I then slap both cheeks, nothing coming of it except a painful feeling.

After I was done slapping myself, I walk downstairs, finding everyone equipped for battle in my kitchen.

Everyone notices my presence and silences their own private conversations.

"Let's head out" I order.


The sun melts into the horizon as we spot Zane's massive house over the hill.

We all sneak towards it, drawing our swords.

When we get to the door, Garroth immediately runs up to the door and kicks it down.

It falls with a thud, dust flying everywhere.

When Garroth turns around, we all give him a blank look.

"What?" He shrugs.

We all silently sneak into the house, finding everything empty and every inch of it covered in dust.

By the way, everyone being Garroth, Laurence, Dante, Travis, Katelyn, Vylad, Lucinda, Cadenza, Nicole, Aaron and I.

"It's abandoned" Laurence states.

"No, it's a set-up" Aaron corrects.

Sadly, Aaron was right.

The windows then break as volleys of arrows crash into them.

Aaron picks the door back up, slamming it back into place, so arrows don't come in through there.

"Prepare for battle!" I yell to everyone.

We all duck next to the wall closest to us, watching in fear as the arrows flew over our heads.

Then finally the arrow volley stops, but soldiers start filing in through the windows and the door, which was now broken down again.

All of us run towards the center of the room, where we noticed we had become surrounded.

We were surrounded by what seemed like hundreds of guards.

They didn't look like any guards I've ever seen before though.

All the guards were holding up spears towards us, keeping us all together.

The guards then start making a path.

"Well well well, if it isn't Lord Aphmau, and what looks to be her army, really I don't really see one" A deep dark voice growls, a slight croak to each of his words.

"Zane Ro'mave, as I live and breathe" I respond, trying to compact as much hostility in my words as he did into his.

I could hear several grunts and growls behind me, one in particular showing absolute hate.


"Hmph, you sound somewhat upset, well I would be too, if I was caught this vulnerable" Zane unsheathes his sword, holding it straight up to me.

"You will be coming with me..." Zane demands, every word he said made him come a step closer to me, the sword eventually meeting my neck.

"Hehe Zane, at least you haven't lost your sense of humor" I retort, trying to keep myself looking confident beside the fact there was a dangerous weapon poised at my neck.

"You will come with me, or the rest of your little "party" will not make it back to Phoenix Drop, alive that is" He evilly chuckles.

We had no way of escape, the only way out being my decision.

"You will let them go, unharmed" I argue, standing up straight in surrender.

"Aphmau, no" A voice says from behind me.

I feel a grasp on my forearm

Then I hear two separate growls.

"You guys go, I'll be fine" I command.

"You shouldn't trust him, he...."

"I know what he did Aaron, but this is the way things are, we will find a way" I whisper to him, shaking my hand out of his grasp.

"Heh, what is this I see? Is it love..." Zane starts, but I interrupt him.

"For such a powerful high priest, not that good on time keeping" I shove past the guards, walking only footsteps before Zane.

This is the right decision...


Have a nice day my crystals!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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