Just one bite. (Vamp!gerard)

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You could feel his strong hands holding your back and pulling you closer to him. You gave out a shaky breath as his hangs dropped down chilling your body. Moans where about your escape your mouth when you felt him placing soft kisses on the tender middle of your neck. When he began to suck on your neck probably leaving a hickey on it you wrapped your hands into his raven black hair. That's when you felt in. Some thing sharp stabbing into your neck and breaking the skin. When you began to cry out it was too late. Gerard fell back onto the bed, looking shocked as he pulled his hands into his face. When he looked up at you he moved in an instant bringing his hands over the wound, he pulled the sheets of the bed and covered the bite with them. As the sheets soaked in a crimson blood, your head started to spin. He cooed into your ear telling you that it would be okay as you limped into him. Then you blacked out.

You woke up in a cleanly made bed. Your neck stung and when your pulled your hand up to feel it your fingers only met a bandage. Though your mind was fogged, stomached ached, and veins felt as if they where going to explode you look at the small dinning room to your left. Gerard sat on the chair with the clothes stained in your blood still on them. He had his head in his hands but you could hear him whisper "not knowing you'd change from just one bite" over and over. When he realizes you where looking at him he turned his head revealing swollen eyes and dark circles. After staring at you for a few minutes not bothering to blink he placed his head back into his hands and chocked out "I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight" through his tears. You tried to respond but only felt your self slipping back into a deep sleep, you only felt the blood in your veins changing, you only felt your self losing your mortality.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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