Chapter 5

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My maids were energetic little beings. They greeted me with friendly smiles and wide eyes. They introduced themselves as Anne, Mary, and Lucy. Which one is which? I wouldn't know.

Before dinner I was determined to keep up some sort of appearance. I knew I wouldn't be here long and I was okay with that. But I need to stay a bit longer. For my family. They could really us the money. And it's the least I can do. Pass a few tests and what not. Enjoy the food. Make some friends. Ultimately live life until they realize I'm not queen material.

I'm not quite sure If what actually happened at dinner Is any better. I made small talk with the queen and I might of dare I say...flirted...with prince Maxon. I couldn't help it. He was very sweet. Funny. Beyond kind. Good taste in food. Flirting with the prince isn't illegal or anything, but if it ever became more...

I cut the thought off. He has no interest in me. He was just being kind. It is no big deal. Hopefully he didn't notice my new flirtatious attitude and will put in a good word for me with the fancy judge people. The ones who will keep me here for a while.

"How was your dinner Miss?" My small maid with platinum blonde hair asked.

"It was lovely. I think I'm just going to wash up and retire to bed," I explained.

"Oh. That is great. Which one us would you like to stay?" My brunette maid inquired.


"Yes. One if your maids is required to stay with you through the night. A safety precaution. Just in case something....happens."

"That won't be necessary," I disagreed.

"M' lady. I'm not sure..." the blonde one squeaked nervously.

"I am....Lucy. Is it?"

She nodded.

"Go ahead and get a god nights rest. You'll need to look good to make me look good," I shooed them out.

They gave me a quick curtsy and left.

I wondered into the bathroom and removed the pins in my hair. I ran my fingers through the layers they added and set it over my shoulder. I couldn't help but explore the different things they had in the bathroom and closet. They were inventive, that's for sure. I made my way out onto the balcony and stared out at the luxurious green gardens. I wish I could be out there. The fancy rooms were just...too much. They encouraged us to explore the palace....Doesn't that include the gardens.

In my excitement, I began to run out the door. I took each hall in stride until I reached the foyer doors that lead to the gardens. They were guarded by two men in uniform.

"May I go and explore the garden?" I asked.

"I'm afraid the gardens are not open to members of the selection at this time," a guard spoke.

"I really need to get out there!" I yelled.

"Let her out!" My saviors voice called. It was Prince Maxon.

"Of course sir," the guard nodded and pulled open the doors.

I walked casually out and admired the flowers. The cool breeze blew my hair out of my face and allowed me to get a better look. I wasn't surprised to hear Prince Maxon following behind me. I turned to face him, plastering a big smile on my face.

"You okay?" The prince asked.

"Yes.....and no. I'm not quite sure if I like this place or not. It's nice, but it is keeping me from my family."

"Than why are you here?"

I sat down on a stone bench.

"For my family. They need the money. And it will make them so happy just to see my face on the tv screen back home. They think I'll win and the least I can do is try. But how can I try and be here when I should be there bringing in money for them. The bills don't pay themselves. And I can't help but feel...trapped in this cage."

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