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It was finally Friday and I had been waiting all week until today. I had only been waiting a few days until my date with Niall but it felt longer. Harry hadn't talked to me ever since our little incident last week and I couldn't take it anymore. I missed him and I had to stop myself a few times from sending him a text. I always apologize to him first and it isn't going to happen this time. Every now and then he'd steal a few glances at me but we've been in this position before, hopefully we'd make up soon.

I was on my way to my next class when someone pulled on the crook of my arm and turned me around to face them.


"Yes?" I questioned.

"L-look, I'm sorry I disrespected you earlier this week. And I can't take it anymore. I know what I did was wrong and I promise I'll never do that again but please forgive me. you're my best friend and I have been lost without you the past few days. I need you, please forgive me, please?"

I smiled and nodded my head slightly. Harry takes me into a hug placing his arms on my waist, my arms wrapping around his neck. "Please don't ever take advantage of me like that again."

"Trust me, babe. I won't. I can't lose you."

We loosen our grip and before letting go I place my hands on top of his head and plant a tender kiss on his cheek. We smile before walking our separate ways to class. I have class with Niall so this should be fun.

I walk into the classroom and Niall is already seated at his assaigned lab.

"Hey, Niall."

"Um, hi?"

Okay, this is Niall. Why does he have such and attitude?

"Uh, are. Are you okay?" I ask with caution in my voice.

"Look we don't have to do this." He says. What?

"W-what are you talking about?" What is he talking about?

"We don't have to- I don't have to take you out. I saw you and Harry kiss earlier this week and today you guys were all touchy and stuff!" He raised his voice.

"Wait, you really think Harry and I? What? No!"

"So what was that, because yeah I know you guys are friends, but just friends don't kiss like that. Just friends don't look at each other the way you guys do."

"Niall, hear me out okay? Harry and Monica just broke up and he was just trying to make her jealous by kissing me I guess since that girl hates me so much. I didn't talk to him for like 3 days and I wouldn't let him talk to me until he apologized. He apologized today and we were just hugging right after in the hallway. But, Niall I swear there is nothing going on between Harry and I. Harry is my best friend and I'm his. That is all. And just in case you don't believe me, ask him for yourself."

He shakes his head as our teacher walks in and starts writing on the board. Niall doesn't say a word to me the rest of class. Once class is over Niall walks out leaving me hanging. I have no idea what is going to happen now.

It's finally lunch time and I make sure to run to Harry to tell him to talk to Niall. I can't miss my date with him. I've been waiting all week for today and it can't be messed up.

I meet Harry at the lunch line and pull him out. I don't care if he doesn't get his pudding. I need to talk to him now. I explain to him what's going on and he agrees to talk to Niall for me. I really like him and I just can't. After walking away from Harry I turn around to find Niall shaking his head behind me.

"Niall, I--"

"Save it, whatever, Paris."

I sighed and decided to sit alone for lunch. I didn't want to speak to anyone, I wasn't in the mood to sit with anyone. However, I laughed to myself once I pulled out my red velvet cupcake because it reminded me of the movie Superbad when Steven Glansberg was all alone eating his lunch alone. But I'm nothing like Steven.

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