Chapter 5: Caught red handed

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Jaime got off at the first floor probably to go home. We went up to the 15th floor and the first thing I saw was another hall way.

"Seriously guys. How many hallways do you have in this place?" I groaned.

"Relax kid, this is just one long hallway. Plus it's wide so you don't get claustrophobic." Justin said. It took us about 6 bedrooms before we got to Mari's bedroom. It was like something out of Tumblr. Three walls were covered with band posters like Twenty One Pilots, Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, etc. On the wall infront of the door were two windows and going across those windows were white Christmas lights with polaroid pictures of baby Mari and the twins, baby twins, and Mari's entire family. The bed was on the right corner across the bathroom.

"How did you guys know?!" Mari asked looking awestruck at her little wonderland.

"Stan and Emily gave us intel." Dylan said. Mari muttered a thanks to Justin and Dylan and ran straight for the bed that was covered with all different kinds of stuffed animals.

"Do you come and see Betty's room? Since she stormed off and we didn't get to show her, maybe the two of you could show it to her." Dylan asked. Mari looked hesitant to get off of her bed, but decided that it would be best if she went to go see it.

"I'll go because I know Cassie will screw it up and forget where it is." Mari said smirking at me.

"Yah yah whatever. Let's just go see the room." I grumbled knowing that it would be no use arguing with Mari. I'll get her back anyways. It took three more doors til we stopped at a similar looking door. Justin opened it up and we saw Johnny and Betty making out. It looked like it was going somewhere else cause Johnny had his hands inside Betty's shirt and Betty had her hands, well, they where some where.

"What's the hold up?" Mari asked pushing her way to the front, but then froze in place when she saw what was happening. Betty pulled her hands out from...*clears throat* uh Johnny's pants and pushes him off. Taken off guard Johnny fell to the floor and glared at whoever interrupted their time together.

I snapped out of my surprise and said to Johnny "I hope you have protection." Betty looked disgusted and Johnny looked stunned. "Don't look at me like that. Betty at least tell me you took a pill, or Johnny at least tell me if you were planning to pull out befo-"

"We were just kissing. Nothing more, nothing less." Betty explained putting both her hands up.

"That's not what your hands were implying." Mari said as she look between her brother and Betty.

"What are you all doing in here anyways?" Johnny asked getting up from the floor.

"We were showing Mari and Cassie to Betty's room so that they can show it to her when she calms down. Apparently, she has calm down already, but I think you're gonna need to calm your Johnny jr. down." Justin said pointing to Johnny jr.

"Just get out already!" Johnny exclaimed, throwing a pillow at us. I caught and gave Betty the look. You know. The one that says 'we will talk about this'. Justin just laughed it off as he pulled Mari and I back. Dylan looked scarred.

"Anyway, let's forget about that little incident and go to-" Justin was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing. He looked at the caller id then just pressed ignore, then he looked at the time. "Well children, I have to go work. Dylan can you show Cassie her room?" Dylan nodded at him and intertwined put hands leading me down another set of door. I waved a bye at Mari before I was pulled forward.

"I chose a special room for you." Dylan whispered to me as he opened the door and what I saw inside was pure beauty. There were two windows that looked out over a park, and since we were in a high enough floor no one could peek inside my room. The walls were a gentle shade of gray, while the ceiling was was white along with the borders. There was a wooden ladder in the middle of the two windows, but it didn't look out of place cause it was used as a hanger for a lovely dress. The headboard of the bed was decorated with vines to give the room a bit more life. On the side of the bed was a white study table with a white office chair, the kind with wheels. On the table I found all my gadgets, my ipad, my phone, and my laptop. This room had a connecting bathroom like my old one at home. On top of my bed I noticed my duffel bag.

"Woah. Not that I'm saying it's not cool or anything, but what's so special about this room?" I asked turning on my heel to look at him. He smiled at me, took my hand and lead me to the window. I noticed that it had a chair connected underneath it so I sat and Dylan followed.

"Your parents said that you like to people watch." He looked out and then slowly his smile turned into a frown. I followed his gaze and saw two people fighting, or making up maybe.

"The brunette is trying to explain to the blond that it wasn't what it looked like. The brunette says he loves the blond and that he would do anything for him. So the blond says "Oh yeah?! Prove it!"" And just as I finish my little story brunette boy grabs the face of blondie and full on kisses him on the lips. People around stop and stare, some in disgust and some in awe.

"Blondie looks around and sees the people around them judging him, judging their relationship, brunette sees his discomfort and makes blondie look at him and says "I don't care what people think, as long as we're together nothing else matters. It our lives, not theirs. So we get to choose how we live, they don't have a say in what we choose to do."" I frowned because in the end blondie was too afraid and ended up leaving brunette boy in the middle of the park. 

"That was-" Dylan started but I cut him off saying. "Cliché. I know." Dylan grabbed my face and looked me dead straight in the eye. "That was beautiful. You found a happy ending, something that didn't happen. You chose for the story to have a happily ever after even though you saw with your own two eyes that the blonde kid left the other kid broken hearted. You found beauty in the ugliest situation. That's what I love about you Cassiopeia. That's why I-" We were so close our lips almost touched. I looked at Dylan waiting for him to continue or maybe even kiss me. "That's why I lo-" and of course Mari chose that time to barge into my room.

"Hey so apparently Dylan's dad and Justin's step-dad want to ha-" Mari looked up from her phone and saw how Dylan had his hands on my face and how close we were. She threw her hands up saying. "Why is everyone making out now?"

"Whine-y baby." I say removing Dylan's hands from my face. I smiled at him then walked to the door. 

"We'll talk about this with Betty later right now you are gonna help me get ready." She said closing her phone. "Come on, out the door lover boy." She pulled Dylan out the door and slammed it shut before he could say anything.

"Get ready for what?" I asked.

"The party." 

Hi guys!!! I'm sorry I've been MIA for the past few days. I was having a little trouble with my ipad and I have to get ready for school since it's starting in two weeks. So I hope you liked this chapter


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