Chapter 1- 1500

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I woke up in my room, got ready and went downstairs to wish my father. "Good morning father, " I said as I kissed him on his cheek. "Good morning my love. Are you excited for tomorrow? It's your 400th birthday." "Of course I am father, not all my friends are 18 year old looking 400-year-old originals" I smiled

"So father have you found Katerina?" I asked my father. "No my love but what is the use now she is a vampire the curse can't be broken but love if I find her I will kill her." My father said "Klaus" uncle Elijah came "Come with me. I need to talk to you about something, oh good morning Alexandra" "Good morning uncle Elijah" I said "father, I am going out with Annabeth and Kiera. Will come in the evening" "Bye love, there is one thing don't roam around with that Collinwood's boy if I see you with him I will kill him" "oh father don't worry I won't" I smiled and went away.

I went to Annabeth's house and we both went to the market. I and Annabeth were friends for about 100 years as we both were a vampire. She was my closest friend. I also love Kiera. She was a witch a very powerful one and was around 70 years old but looked a 19-year-old. She said that she had put an ageing spell to keep herself look young.

We all were roaming around in the market and I was greeted by every single person. Every person in this town respected me as my family the Mikaelson's was very powerful. Especially my father.

I was roaming around with Annabeth and Kiera when suddenly Richard Collinwood came to me "hi Alexandria" "hi" I blushed. I really loved him and he really loved me but there was something my father hated about the Collinwood's that I really didn't know. Richard and I used to secretly meet in the Collinwood's hill top house to spend time with each other.

My father had his servants roaming the town everywhere so annabeth and Kiera used to come around with us and leave us alone to talk for a few hours to go and spend some time with each other and I used to go back home with them .

Richard and I were in love I could never except to live my life with him. We all were going to the hilltop and entered the Collinwood's mansion. Suddenly I saw my father. His face was raging with anger "so there you are my love" my father said to me I saw Uncle Elijah and Kol behind him. Uncle Elijah was looking at me disappointedly while uncle kol looked sympathetically. My father suddenly rushed to me and said "I did not expect this from you" tears were rolling down my eyes. I never expected my father to find out this way. My father went to Richard and ripped his heart out. I fell on the ground and cried over his dead body "father how could you?" father ignored me and went to annabeth and Kiera "what should I do with you two" he says with a smirk "your parents should be ashamed of you." By saying that he ripped both my best friends' hearts with his hands

. I was surrounded by the bodies of my lover and my best friend "you are the worst person ever. How could you do this?" "says the girl who lied to her father to go out with him" my father said angrily pointing at Richard and picked me up and took me home

. I was trying to let myself let go but my father's grip was really strong as my father threw me on the floor he slapped me. He put his hand inside my chest and was going to rip my heart out. "Klaus" Uncle Elijah shouted "she's your daughter" "Alexandra go to your room before your father tries kills you again" uncle kol said. "Oh don't worry uncle kol. Kill me father kill me like you killed my friends and you killed my mom you are nothing but a killer" I said angrily I knew I shouldn't have lied to him about Richard but he could have done was slap me or kill me not rip my friends' and Richard's heart out. I hated my father. I rushed to my room and locked the room and started crying. I heard my father shouting "Kol and Elijah you dare go to her otherwise I will kill you"

I sat in my room for two days crying. I hadn't eaten anything for two days. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. "Alexandra..." it was aunt Rebekah. "Come in" I said.

I was in no mood to talk but aunt Rebekah came in and gave me a tight hug "I am so sorry dear. Are you fine" she said. I hugged her back "no, ofcouse I am not. I mean I know aunt Rebekah I shouldn't have lied to father about richard but there is a big reason behind it.why did father kill Richard, annabeth and Kiera? What problem did he have with the Collinwood?" I said as I rested my head on her lap. I was miserable.

"Look honey, you remember that our family is a 1000 year old family and before we were vampires we used to live with werewolf family called Collinwood's peacefully. One day after they killed our youngest brother a fight sprung. We used to hate the Collinwood's they had killed our family and they were werewolves as you know a werewolf bite is fatal to a vampire." "But Richard was nice. He and I loved each other.we had something special. He didn't have to kill him" i said."aww dear" she kissed me on my forehead. "listen aunt rebekah there is something i need to tell you..... i am..." suddenly my bedroom door burst open. It was my father. "I told you no one would come and talk to her until she realized her mistake." My father shouted at aunt Rebekah "you know what father I have had enough I am leaving forever. I don't want you to ever find me please just let me go. I can't live with a man who killed his wife and someone else heartlessly!" I shouted I was so angry at my father. "Go and don't even bother coming back." My father said. I saw Uncle Elijah and Kol outside my door. "niklaus.." uncle Elijah said . "Alexandra dear he is just angry" "no uncle I have had enough I am leaving" tears filled my eyes "bye! It was nice knowing you all" by saying that I ran away and never looked back

My Father:the Mikaelson (Klaus' daughter) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now