Chapter 7- The Day after

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I woke up this morning and I realized that I wasn’t sleeping in my bed moreover I was sleeping on someone’s chest hugging him. I opened my eyes and realised that I was sleeping on Damon. I was so shocked. I mean how did this happen? Were we so drunk last night? All I remembered that we were debating and then we were drinking and the rest of the night was just a blur.”Good morning Sunshine” Damon said. “Oh My God! This didn’t happen!” I said as I got up “Alex? I don’t know we were so drunk last night that I don’t remember” “Listen Damon this never happen, we didn’t happen”. “Whatever you say Alex!” he said with a sexy smirk and a wink. I couldn’t but give him a smile. I got up from the bed, wore Damon’s shirt and went to my room.

I got ready and went downstairs. I noticed that Damon and Stefan were waiting for me. “Good Morning Alex” Stefan said. “Good morning!” I said while Damon and I exchanged a weird look. “Where are we going?” I asked. “Well, we are going to see Katherine and then going to see Elena” “Ok! But why?” I said with a smile. “You’ll see” Damon smiled back at me. We went to the tomb and talked to Katherine about the Moonstone. Then we went to see Elena. “Hey!” I said “Can we talk?” Stefan continued.

“Why?” Elena said. “We went to see Katherine” Damon said. “Come on in” Elena said as we entered inside. Elena’s house was really pretty we were sitting in her living room. “So when we went to see Katherine about the moonstone she told us that if we get her out of the tomb she will give us the moonstone and she will run far from mystic falls!” Stefan said “You don’t believe her do you?” Elena said “Of course not we just want the moonstone” Damon said “So there is a way to destroy the spell that my father wants to break. No moonstone. No doppelganger sacrifice” I said.

“How do you destroy it?” Elena asked. “By releasing it from the moonstone” I said. “How do you guys know that this is even going to work?” she asked “because we have a crafty witch on our side” Damon said. “you discussed it with bonnie.” Elena said “she agreed to do anything she could to help us.” Stefan said

“its Katherine who has the moonstone. She is not going to give it to you” “we’re going to get it from her” I said “Well what she means to say we are going to pry her cold dead head if we have to!” Damon said. “Bonnie has found a way long enough to release the seal for us to get the moonstone and get out!” “Well it sounds like you guys have already planned this all out!” “Yep! We’re awesome!” Damon said. I giggled a little at his comment. “Except for one thing.” Elena said “I don’t want you to do it.” ”what are you talking about Elena we don’t have a choice” Stefan said. “What about Klaus?” Elena said. “We’ll find him right after we get the moonstone”

“is that before or after he kills everyone I love including the three of you!” “Elena if we can de-spell the moonstone we can save your life!” I said. “I know” she said that and she walked away. “Listen I got to go home there is something I need to talk to Rose about!” I said “Bye!” Stefan said. I looked at Damon and he looked back at me expressionlessly. “What’s going on between you two?” Stefan asked confused. “nothing! I’ll get going.” I said as I went outside. I didn’t know if I wanted to tell Stefan I mean Damon and I agreed that this never happened.

I went back home and saw Rose sitting in the living room “Hi!” I said “Hey” I wanted to talk to her about how she had been all these years we used to be friends before Katherine ran away and I left. We sat and talked for a few hours when Elena came in “Hi. I came in here to talk to you!” she said looking at Rose. “Well then perhaps I’ll leave you two to talk!” I said as I got up “No Alex you can stay but promise not to tell Stefan or Damon about this” she said “Depends. What’s going on?” “Stefan told me that Rose’s friend Slater has more information on your father. She just gave up before she got it” Elena said. “Because somebody blew up a coffee shop with us in it!”  “There’s more to find out” “why are you coming to me with this?” “Because you owe me. One word from me and Stefan and Damon could have killed you for kidnapping me!” “Or is it that they wouldn’t want you doing this”

My Father:the Mikaelson (Klaus' daughter) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now