Chapter 2 - Mystic Falls

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MYSTIC FALLS , Present day

I have left my house for about 500 years now and am still really angry at my father. I have seen him and my family within the past years but was always able to escape them. I have complete changed myself from the past few years. Turned my humanity on and off several times. I have also changed from human blood diet to bunny diet but to help myself from not losing control drink human blood once a month.

 I was walking in the forest hunting a deer when I suddenly I accidently hit a tree and the branch stuck on my leg I screamed in pain. I had not eaten anything for 3 days I was really weak and hungry. Suddenly 2 people came to me. "Need some help" the boy asked. The girl was a very pretty blonde who had dark makeup on , she looked kind of  depressed and even the boy was very good looking. I was really hungry so I decided to feed on them.

 I held the girl by her throat but the boy suddenly held my neck and pushed me towards the tree. "You're a vampire?" I asked surprised. "Yes, I guess so are you." "I am so sorry you guys I haven't fed in days I drink animal blood and just when I was about to pounce on an animal my leg got stuck in a tree. I am really sorry..." I apologised "Oh no problem, I am Caroline Forbes and he's Stefan Salvatore." The girl said.  "Oh! it's really nice to meet you both I am Alex Hannigan." I had been using this name for ages. 

"So what are you to doing here in the forest? I mean you cannot find people here." I said "Caroline is actually a new vampire. I don't want her to feed on human blood so I am teaching her how to hunt animals" Stefan said. "That is a pretty good thing I have been on an animal diet for years," I said. "Me too," Stefan said he really seemed like a nice guy . Suddenly I saw a deer running I quickly rushed to it and hunted it down I started drinking like a baby drinks milk.  Caroline looked at me disturbed "So that's how you hunt?" she asked. "I'm sorry it's much cleaner than that it's just that I haven't eaten anything for 2 days." I said "2 days? That's pretty rough!" "I know" I smiled I liked these two. They really seemed like good vampires. 

"So where are you staying? Are you joining school?" Caroline asked "I just reached here 2 hours ago. I'll compel me a home. And I think so I will like to start a new life!" I laughed. "You can stay with me and my brothers place if you want. It was an old boarding house you can stay there." Stefan said. "Are you sure that might not be a problem? What if I kill you?" I joked "You could have killed me right now but you didn't so I guess we're fine" Stefan laughed. He was a really sweet guy. I wonder if he was single! "So Caroline have you started hunting?" I asked "About to, " she said. For a few hour, I and Stefan taught her to hunt. They were really caring people. I wonder if people are more like them in Mystic Falls. "So where is your stuff? Let's take it home" Stefan said.

 "Oh, I carry no stuff around I have been travelling for a long time I just used these" I opened my wallet and showed that about 20 credit cards "and of course compulsion" I smiled "Whoa! How long have you been travelling? Caroline asked "over 500 years," I told them. "Great now let's go. I went to Stefan's house and he showed me a room he said "you can stay here" "thank you so much" I hugged him "if it is no problem Stefan I will sleep here the whole day" I asked "no problem" "thanks, good night"


I dropped Elena home after our trip to Duke with Ric and I went home. I was totally in love with Elena . I don't know why she chose Stefan. Everyone choses Stefan.  As I reached home I saw Stefan sitting in the living room "Hey brother I dropped Elena home" I smirked. "Thanks, listen there is something I need to tell you," Stefan said "what?" "Today when I was teaching caroline hunting in the woods we met a girl her name is Alex Hannigan , she is a vampire. She didn't have a place to stay so I invited her here. Hope that's no problem." "Oh no problem, I guess Elena would love it that you brought a girl home just after meeting her," I said with an evil grin. "Oh please don't do anything to screw up her mind she is a very fierce vampire and is pretty strong." "Whatever I would love to meet her or I guess Elena would" I smirked. I took a glass of bourbon and went to my room.

I woke up the next morning and went downstairs. I was just taking a glass of scotch when I saw a girl walking downstairs. She was breath-taking. She had blue eyes and had her blonde wavy hair tied up in a bun. She was wearing a checked shirt and shorts. She was really beautiful. "Hi, you must be Damon I am Alex." She said "oh! Hi its really nice to meet you Alex" I said I took her hand and kissed it. I saw Stefan standing behind me and looking surprised.

 She went and gave him a friendly hug. "Hi good morning Stefan, listen I am going early to school for registering i can't wait to meet Elena and all your friends you and Caroline told me about" she had a big smile on her face . "Sure see you at school" she started walking away but then she turned around "it was nice to meet you Damon. By,e" she said "bye! See you later" I said. She walked out of the house. "Quite a girl you have got there my brother" I teased Stefan "Shut up Damon, she is just a friend and she knows about me and Elena so keep your thoughts of ruining my relationship to yourself!" Stefan said "I'm going to school bye," he said as he walked out. I took a glass of bourbon and sat quietly relaxing. I can't wait to talk more to this Alex.



Xoxo. :*

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