Chapter 3 - An old friend

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I arrived to the school in style, wearing Prada. I had actually bought it with the money I made while working . When I left my family I worked and studied like a normal human being. All I wanted was a normal life.

I walk into the school called Mystic Falls High. Everyone was staring at me and murmuring something to each other. I ignored them and went into the administrative office and gave them some papers. "I am sorry Miss Hannigan there are some papers missing" the office lady told me. "Look again" I compelled her. "Oh I am so sorry I hope you have a nice time in this school." "Me too" I smiled as I walked away into the hallways I saw that everybody was still staring at me. It was weird.

Luckily I spotted Caroline I saw her talking to 2 girls. One was pretty, dark skinned had beautifully straight hair and the other looked a lot familiar like..................KATERINA! I rushed over to Caroline. "Hi Alex! "Caroline said as she hugged me. "This is Bonnie" she pointed to the dark-skinned girl "and this is....." I cut her off "Elena. Right?" I smiled "Hey" "It is really nice to meet you both. I'm Alex Hannigan I came to Mystic Falls a week ago" I smiled at both of them. "It nice to meet you too" Elena and Bonnie said. I talked to them for 5 minutes and I realised that Elena was nothing like Katherine. Her personality was like Kiera – sweet, shy and kind of quiet. She wasn't a b*tch. If only I see Katerina again I swear to god I will kill her. She ruined my life.

Suddenly I saw a familiar looking person in the hallway just as when he saw that I spotted him he ran away. "Listen Caroline I have to go I'll see you at lunchtime. "Sure bye" Caroline smiled "Bye Bonnie and Elena" I rushed behind that guy but he seemed to have disappeared.

I continued my classes. They were pretty boring considering the fact that I learnt everything in school and colleges like a 100 times. The next bell rang, I had to go to my history class. I was happy for this class actually Stefan, Caroline, Elena and Bonnie all were there. I went to the class a little late. When I saw who the teacher was I was shocked.

It was Alaric Saltzman. My old friend from Duke. I had studied in a college before but now I had to go to high school as I wanted to come back to mystic falls. I got out of my trance and knocked on the door, "Yes who are you?" Alaric said he stared at me for some time and looked shocked. I guess he remembered me. "I am Alex Hannigan.  A new transfer student here and history is my favourite subject. Can I come in?" I said

"Yes" he said. I sat down on the empty seat in the back near a guy who I guess was Matt by what Caroline had told me. He was Caroline's boyfriend. I sat through the whole class and saw many boys staring at me. I ignored them and noticed Stefan. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He was a really nice guy and Elena was lucky to have him.

Alaric was teaching something about the 18th century which was nothing new for me. I mean I practically lived in it. The bell rang. "Miss Hannigan? Can you stay here for a minute I would like to have a word with you" "Yes sir" I said. When the whole class left "Alex is it really you?" Ric asked me , he looked surprised. "Yes Ric it's me!" "All these years of you being my close friend I never found out that you were a vampire and you never bothered to tell me. Why?" Ric asked me. "I guess I never found the right chance to tell you." Alaric hugged me. Isobel and him were my best friends in Duke I had never made any friends but I really liked these two. Ric was a really caring person "I am so sorry Ric I wasn't able to tell you." I said. "Listen I think you have to go let's talk about this at the mystic grill today at 4?" Ric asked. "Sure." I smiled and walked out of the classroom.

Caroline spotted me and came to me "What happened? Did Mr Saltzman say something to you?" Caroline asked worried. "As it turns out I was studying a few years ago in Duke and Isobel and Alaric were my really good friends. Ric recognised me. Does he know about all this vampire drama?" I asked "Wait, you went to Duke? Then why are you in high school now?" "I guess I wanted to get a new start"

"That's kind of nice and yes he knows about all of us." We both walked outside to the cafeteria  where I spotted Stefan , Elena ,bonnie , Matt and 2 other guys which I didn't recognise. "Hi guys can we join you? "Caroline asked "by the way Matt, Tyler and Jeremy this is Alex" "hi" I smiled I noticed that Tyler was checking me out. I had a small giggle. "So how has your day gone so far?" Elena asked. "it's been good except that I was talked about by most people in school, when I asked for something in the class 50 guys giving me the same thing,

I found my old friend........" "Old friend? Who?" Stefan asked worried. "Alaric Saltzman the history teacher" I said. Caroline hit me on my leg I remembered that Matt didn't know about the 'Vampire Drama'. "Alaric? Isn't he a little old to be your friend?" Matt asked. "Well..."I had to cook up a story knowing that if I didn't I was dead "My father was a teacher in duke and he used to leave me during my vacations with his two students Alaric and Isobel so that's why Ric knows me and I am his friend!" I answered "That's pretty cool "Jeremy said. I smiled .

I saw the same guy who I had noticed in the corridor I couldn't remember this guy "Listen I have to go I will see you all later?" I rushed behind that man only to see that he was far gone. He was a vampire that's for sure but I don't know who. I went back to the school and the whole day was pretty dull. I remembered that I had to meet Ric.

I went to this restraunt-bar called the mystic grill. It was a full crowded place. I noticed Alaric sitting near the bar I walked up to him. "Ric" "oh hi" he smiled I sat beside him "so how have you been Alex it's been about 5 years since I last spoke to you?" Ric asked. "You know travelling and all" I answered I couldn't possibly tell him that I was running away from my father. "So how is Isobel?" I asked unknowing about what had happened

"Well.....she is dead" I was shocked "I am so sorry Ric" "Actually she is not dead she is a vampire" "What? How?" "One day when we were at home I had gone outside the room to take something when I came back I saw her being dead with blood. I rushed to call the police but when I came back to look at her she was gone" "What? Who turned her?" "You might be knowing him I mean you are staying at his house." Ric said "Stefan?" "No" "Then its Damon right?" I asked. "Yes" I didn't know why but it hurt me a bit hearing that it was Damon who killed my friend Isobel. I sat and talked to Ric for a few hours and then I went home.

I knocked on the door and Damon opened it "Hi" I said "Hi, so how was your first day in Mystic Falls? Or second?" Damon smiled or more like gave a really cute and a sexy smirk "It was good" I smiled . I couldn't tell him that I had known that he turned my old friend into a vampire. "Listen there is one thing I need to say....." I said "Sure, what is it?" "Thank you  for letting me stay here it means a lot I mean that not everyone allows an unknown person or more like a vampire to stay at their house. It is really nice of you" I smiled I really was glad that I had met Stefan and Caroline that day. I wasn't really sure of what I would have done. "Oh no problem, Alex" he smiled. "Goodnight, Damon" I said "Goodnight" I went upstairs to my room and lied down on the bed. I don't know but there was something about Damon that made me feel nice and protected. Maybe I was starting to like him, he was different.




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