Chapter 4- Katerina Petrova

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Alex’s POV

It has been around 2 weeks me living with Stefan and Damon and they are pretty amazing people. I am friends with all of them but I guess I am the closest to Caroline and Stefan. I guess first meetings. I woke up this morning and went downstairs. I saw someone that I never thought I’d see.

It was the one and only Katerina Petrova. The one that almost ruined my family, the one whose betrayal made my father the heartless man he is. I had heard that she had changed her name to Katherine pierce. “Oh my god! Look if it isn’t……….” Katherine was about to say my name when I quickly ran to her pushed her by the wall and compelled her quietly ‘my name is Alex Hannigan you and I were friends 2 centuries ago and you ruined my life. And that’s how you’ll remember until I tell you’ I knew that Stefan, Damon and Caroline were standing in the same room but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t let Katerina tell my secret.

“Well look who it is the one and only Katherine pierce.” I said. “Alex, it’s nice seeing you after such a long time, so how is Richard? Oh right he is dead isn’t he” she mocked me. I had only made her forget about the Mikaelson family. Everything else was there. I mean I was so pissed at her for bring up Richard I was just about to snap her neck. “Richard?” Damon asked. I ignored him.

“You two know each other?” Stefan asked. “Long time ago she ruined my life and now I’ll ruin hers!” I said in anger. She was the reason my father was so raged at me, she was the reason my father had no regret in killing my friends and almost killing me. If only I could just….

“Let’s have our talk later sweetie! Give me the moonstone.” Katherine said. “There is no way in freaking hell we are going to give you the moonstone” Damon said. “Oh Damon! You will have to ill see you all at the masquerade ball!” Katherine said “Alex dear, I would love it if you come! Maybe I’ll just kill someone else you care about” “and I’d love it if you’d die and rot in hell Miss Katherine freaking pierce!” I said.

“That’s a b*tchy attitude!” Katherine said “I’ll see you all at the ball!” she said “Get out Katherine! Damon said and she left. I had raged filled inside me I had seen her almost 500 years. “Alex? Are you fine? What is the problem between you and Katherine?” Caroline asked.

“Well… a pretty old story in short she betrayed my father and she ruined my life!” I said “That’s pretty bad!” “What has she done with you three?” I asked. “Ruined our lives, turned me and Damon” Stefan said “and killed me” Caroline said “ouch! I guess that’s what Katherine does. I wish there was some way I could kill her” I said. “There is. She is pissed out about mason’s death. That’s why she wants to get the moonstone in public.” “Who’s mason? What’s the moonstone?” I asked

“I’ll tell you later.” Damon said. “Can’t we just give her the moonstone so she’ll leave?” Caroline said. “No Katherine is not getting anything we’ve had it” Damon said “I’m going to go to the masquerade ball and I am going to kill her.” I sat there quietly listening to them talk about the moonstone, Katherine and some masquerade ball. “You’re not going to kill her” Stefan said. “Don’t give me that goody-goody crap.” Damon said “you’re not going to kill her” ”oh really?” “No, cause I am”.

“Listen, if it is not a problem I would really like to help. All of the last 300 years of my life have been to try to find Katherine and kill her. So please tell me exactly what is happening. The moonstone……..mason……Katherine being in mystic falls!” I interrupted. Sure no problem sweetheart the more to kill her the better” Damon said with a smirk.

So I was filled in with the details Katherine had a werewolf called mason, Tyler’s uncle wrapped around her fingers to find the moonstone but Damon killed him. Moonstone was an object to break the werewolf and vampire curse known as the sun and the moon curse.

My Father:the Mikaelson (Klaus' daughter) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now