Chapter 11- Arrival of the unwanted

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It’s been about a week since Uncle Elijah was daggered and kept in the basement. To keep Elena safe the guys were giving the house in her name so that she could only invite anyone she wanted inside. Damon, Stefan and I were standing outside the house waiting for Elena to call us in. 

“Do you really think Bonnie could take on my father?” I asked Damon and Stefan “She said that she could channel enough witches power to kill him! And Elijah was an original and he thought that it could work so…. ” Stefan said “Hey! I am an original too! I just don’t want any of you guys to get hurt. My father is dangerous. Even I can’t fight him!” I said. “We just need to find him! Couldn’t bonnie do some of those witch tracking spells?” Damon said “Nope she can’t!” I said “Believe me I have already tried to it just doesn’t happen!” Just then the door opened and it was the lawyer and Elena. The three of us walked towards the door

“Can I please come inside your new house Elena?” I asked playfully “Sure you can Alex!” she said as I walked inside the house! “Stefan would you like to come inside my house?” she asked “I would love to. Thank you!” Stefan said as he walked inside. This left Damon all alone “What are we 12?” He said to Elena “One of us is!” “If I let you in do you promise to obey the owner of this house?” she asked “No!” “Seriously Damon my way! You Promised! I call the shots! No lies No secret Agendas!” “Oh come on Damon! Don’t you want to come in?” I asked “Ohk! Elena Yes! But only for Alex!” “If that’s what will make you agree! Come in!” Elena said as Damon walked right through the door towards me and gave me a little kiss.

We all went to the living room and saw Bonnie coming and giving Elena her coat! “Where are you going?” Stefan asked perplexed. “To school!” Elena replied “We didn’t create a safe house for you to leave it!” Damon said “Elena is not a prisoner guys! If she wants to go let her! My father isn’t even here yet! Moreover I’ll go too! I’ll be with her! Now is that ok with both of you?” I asked. Both of them looked at me quietly when Stefan said “Ok fine! But I’ll come too!” he said “I’ll go get my stuff!” “Thank you!” Elena mouthed out these words to me “Your welcome!” I mouthed with a smile. “I’ll go get ready too! I’ll come later. You can leave with Stefan” I said as I walked up towards my room took my books, got dressed into my favourite outfit black denim short skirt, a yellow sleeveless top and a leather Jacket with my knee length boots.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled I looked so good. I came downstairs with my bag and before leaving gave Damon a kiss “Do you have to go? You look so beautiful! I thought we would spend the whole day together!” Damon said with a puppy dog face. “Aww baby! I have to go but we can sure spend time together when I get back.” I said with a wink “I’ll be waiting!” he said with a smirk. I walked out of the house, took my car and drove it to school.

As I reached school I realised that I was a little late So I quickly reached my class which was Alaric’s history period but seeing that Alaric had reached I knocked on the door. “May I come in sir?” I asked. Alaric looked at me astonished “Yes.... yes you can come in!” he said as I went inside and took my seat. He was teaching something about the 60’s which was kind of boring because the sixty’s sucked.

As the bell rang we all walked outside the class. Bonnie and Elena told me about the decade dance tonight to which we all had to go. I agreed half-heartedly. As I walked towards my next class which was Algebra with Stefan “Are you seriously going to let Elena go to the dance? School is okay but a dance! Seriously?” “I didn’t ask her to she asked Bonnie and both of them agreed so I couldn’t say no” “But we have to be prepared Stefan!” ”We will be Alex, relax!” “I will try to!”

My Father:the Mikaelson (Klaus' daughter) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now