The Pink Notebook From Sophomore Year

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Chapter 12: The Pink Notebook From Sophomore Year

Under a Dome of Stars

The world whirls quickly by,

A change in seasons and sky

I am infinitesimal on this earth,

I have been since the moment of my birth.

The world whirls quickly by,

But time seems not to fly

For how long must I trudge and bear

This burden I cannot share?

Smiles and laughter must suffice

Despite my heart, as cold as ice

To talk alone, despite the crowd

Makes the silence much too loud.

Smiles and laughter must suffice

As I await the Fates' decree

Under a dome of stars I walk

If only in my dreams.


A stranger in my own house

A stranger even to my friends

They don't me at all,

They don't know who I am.

In my own trap I lie

Pushed down by alibis

Unhappy with this world;

Is it wrong to want the next?

Looking for meaning in this life

Is what I shall do for now

Finding out who I am

So I won't be such a stranger anymore.

Rodrigo took his notebook, and a pen, and started to write. It was midnight, but inspiration waited for no one and it seldom came. Rodrigo decided to take advantage of it.

The Night Sky

The night sky

Makes me want to fly

Straight into it, where perhaps

I can feel nothing.

The night sky

Maybe there I

The group of boys made their way to the abandoned building. It was where they decided to shoot the documentary for their English class. The topic was 'paranormal activity', and there had been many rumors about the history of this building as well as nocturnal events witnessed by various people.

Marc, the leader, beckoned for his group mates to come closer. "You aren't chicken, are you?"

"Of course not!" the four other boys replied. There was fear in their eyes, though. Even in Marc's. Suddenly he wished that he had not agreed with Jerry on the choice of topic.

The pink notebook contained various discontinued stories. There was no telling what the plot was supposed to be. There were some very emotional poems tooand even notes from various classes. "Leon sure was disorganized," I said to myself fondly.

It was in sophomore year that he had created his first great work, "The Satanist." It had remained unfinished as well, but it had been read by quite a lot of Leon's friends, including myself. I pestered him to finish it, but I guess he lost inspiration. Or maybe the paper where he kept the plot.

Despite the title, The Satanist, a story starring the stock character 'Rodrigo' was quite a wonderful story. It was dramatic, mysterious, and suspenseful. It was what encouraged me to keep reading Leon's work and to start editing others'. I never really edited Leon's—I merely approved and disapproved his ideas. He was that good.

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