😁2017 Goals + To Do😁

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1. Try going natural 👸🏽

2. Try wearing clothes you thought you wouldn't look good in | great way to boost confidence 👗

3. Getting that body you want 👙

4. Go traveling more often ✈️

5. Writing down everyday things + thoughts in a journal ✏️

6. Getting that great start the new semester, so new supplies | pens, pencils, binders, etc 📚

7. Aiming for all A's 📖

8. Hanging out with your friends more often 👭

9. Going on some dates with ya boy/girl 💛

10. Trying to see all the food movies coming up in 2017 📺

11. Taking a vacation this summer ☀️

12. Eating healthier, it'll pay off in the end 🍉

13. Stop cussing so much 🤔

14. Read more 📙

15. Wear whatever you want 👠

16. Actually learn stuff in class 🖍

17. Learn to love yourself 💝

18. Expand your music taste 🎧

19. Create more 💡

20. Expand your vocabulary 🌺

21. Be positive and stay positive ☘️

22. Make genuine friendships full of love and laughs 🌷

23. Cut people out of your life that doesn't make you happy 🙅🏽

24. Quit censoring yourself for the same of others, say what you want 💯

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