Chapter Six

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I was getting tired.

The party was still happening, lasting way longer than I had anticipated.

I was slumped in Roarke's lap at the table, my head resting on his shoulder. I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep, but I couldn't. Roarke was distracting me with his gentle touches. Whenever his fingers ran through my hair, like my mother had done with me when I was a child, I relaxed, probably more than I should've.

"Hun, are you okay?" Maurice asked, approaching us. I hadn't seen her much at the party, just the occasional bumps into each other on the dance floor. She bent forward, examining me, like a concerned grandmother would do.

I offered a tired smile. "Just tired, that's all."

"She's usually asleep by now in my arms," Roarke commented, then took a sip of his wine. "The party is almost over. We will be leaving soon."

Maurice nodded, then headed back to the bar. I stifled a yawn, skimming the dance floor with drowsy eyes. Blake was spinning Josephine in circles, her lavender dress flying out at her knees. She looked happy. They both did.

Roarke tightened his arms around me, mumbling into my neck, "I like holding you."

My pulse spiked as I struggled for a response. I didn't know what to say back - his touch didn't terrify me? He moved his head, burying his face into the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply. I didn't care about the eyes on us anymore. I was too tired to care at all. I just wanted to fall asleep right then and there.

"Are you cold?" he asked, feeling the goosebumps on my thigh. "Do you want my jacket?"

I shook my head. The goosebumps weren't because I was cold.

We didn't move from the table until the party was over with. People began flooding from the building, a chaos of laughter and chatter. Roarke rose to his feet, pulling me with him, then guided me towards the exit. As we moved with the crowd, I was tapped on the shoulder by Josephine.

She smiled. "We should hang sometime, Chloe." She was nice. Her and Maurice were both so nice. "A girls night soon, what do you say?"

"Sure," I said, relieved. "We can invite Scarlett."

Josephine released an uneasy laugh. "Scarlett doesn't do sleepovers or girls nights. She kinda does her own thing. As much as I love her, she won't want to hang with us."

"I have a feeling she will," I replied, thinking back to the short interaction with Scarlett in the bathroom. She had been crying over a man. She needed someone to talk to. Josephine gave me another smile, doubt in her eyes, then returned to Blake's side.

Now, you probably thought this was a drama-free, perfect night.

Sorry to bust your bubble, but it's not over yet.

As I was descending the front steps of the building, holding Roarke's hand, a fight broke out behind us. Two males, one from Roarke's pack and one from Maverick's pack. I had noticed the tension at the party between the two packs, but for the most part, everybody remained in line - until now.

One of the males shoved the other, sending him stumbling backwards - and you guessed it, right into me.

I didn't see it coming.

In a matter of seconds, there was chaos.

I was falling down the steps, being trampled as people moved to see. There were startled screams and gasps from around me. Then, a deep, terrifying roar overshadowed everyone, rumbling the steps. That roar belonged to the one and only, Roarke Farkas, Alpha of the Farkas Pack.

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