Chapter Seventeen

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In the morning, I did go for a run with Roarke.

I couldn't change what I was, so I needed to embrace it. I needed to move forward. I needed to learn how to be a werewolf. I had the Alpha of the North, Leader of Beasts, Alpha of the Farkas Pack - I had the one and only, Roarke Farkas, to teach me.

We didn't stray far from his house and he didn't stray far from my side. Roarke's wolf was twice my size - I'm not even kidding. His presence ensured safety and fear towards anything that dared to approach me.

It took me some time to adjust to four legs. Walking on them wasn't a natural reflex. But, as soon as I conquered walking, I started jogging and by the end of the afternoon, I was running. Roarke continuously nipped at my hind legs for me to slow down and be careful.

Eventually, we returned to the house where I showered and situated myself on the couch with an apple in my hand.

I grunted, rubbing my shoulder.

Shifting into my wolf had caused a lot of knots and strains. I was lifting my arm up and down in irritation when Roarke turned the corner, spotting me. A pair of sweatpants hung low on his waist, his only source of clothing. His abdominal muscles were on full display and I forced myself to look away.

"Here," he mumbled, approaching me. I was startled when he gently pushed me to the floor, taking my place on the couch. Now situated between his knees, I opened my mouth to argue, only to pause when he began rubbing my shoulders.

The rubbing was helping. "I understand why you had those women come over and rub you every time you shifted now."

"Yeah, it doesn't get easier," Roarke said, his thumbs massaging my lower neck. "You're always going to be sore after a shift. It's a lot of strain on our bodies."

I sighed. "But, it starts to hurt less?"

"If you shift daily like I do," he told me, nodding once. "You can join me for my morning runs. You make them more enjoyable."

"For the first hour, I kept falling flat on my face," I said, rolling my eyes. "And, I know you were laughing at me. Anybody would find that enjoyable."

He smirked. "It was amusing." I shook my head, relaxing back against the couch. "But, I enjoyed your determination more. You kept getting back up and trying again. That is what matters. That determination is what makes you perfect for Alpha Female of the Farkas Pack."

I bit my bottom lip. "I don't think so."

"It does," Roarke argued, digging his thumbs into my shoulders. "I always knew that you'd make a great Alpha Female."

"You thought a scared, suicidal woman would make a great Alpha Female?" I blurted, staring down at my hands. "Or, is it because I remind you of Luna and she went off to become Alpha Female of the Monclaw Pack? She did great things?"

"Are we back to this?" Roarke growled, pausing. "You are not Luna. Besides some outward similarities, you are nothing like her." I hesitated, then nodded my head. I didn't want to argue with him. I didn't want to upset him. "Relax your shoulders."

He began rubbing me again, more aggressive this time.

"Can you tell me more about her?" I asked, quietly. "About your sister?"

Roarke tensed. "There is nothing to know."

"I don't believe that," I said, peeking at him. "She had to be great. She had Julius Monclaw wrapped around her finger. He's been trying to avenge her death. He turned me because I resemble her. And, you, her death weighs on your shoulders. It wasn't easy to kill her, was it?"

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