Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I was sitting at the kitchen table, slowly sipping a bowl of vegetable soup, when Roarke entered the kitchen. Maurice quickly left without a word - she hadn't spoken to me at all since I had been dragged back. She was angry with me. Disappointed. It didn't really bother me how she felt towards me. I looked over at Roarke, just as he began approaching me. 

"Rudy and Scarlett were found," Roarke told me, causing me to leap to my feet. He lifted a hand, signaling for me to calm down. "They have been spared."


"They were released," he said, stopping in front of me. He was close enough for his cologne to shoot up my nose. "They have been granted mercy." A wave of relief washed over me and I sat back down, running a hand through my hair. "Weylyn Norwood was found with them."

My stomach knotted. "No."

"He was unharmed," Roarke said, completely surprising me. My eyebrows furrowed together, wondering if he was being honest. I was studying him to see if I could detect any lies. "You told me he is your friend. Despite what I've heard about him, you believe he's a good man. He looked after you - so he has been spared."

"Are you lying?" I asked, overwhelmed. "Don't lie to me."

"I'm not, I promise," he responded, calmly. "However, if he stirs up any trouble, I will have to deal with him myself."

I was holding back tears. "You let him go."

"I did," he said, his lips pinched together. "It wasn't easy, but I knew it would make you happy." A tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. "I have to meet with Blake. I will be back around dinner."

He turned around to leave the kitchen, his shoulders stiff.

"Roarke," I spoke, stopping him. "Thank you."

He looked over his shoulder at me, his dark eyes swarming with emotion. He didn't say anything, just simply nodded.

Roarke didn't return home until late that night. He missed dinner, so I had to eat with Maurice alone, which was awkward. She was very upset with me. Her silence said it all. When I crawled into bed, I began worrying about him. Maybe it was the bond, but as it grew darker out, I started to hope that he was okay. 

When it reached midnight, I was anxiously chewing off my fingernails. 

A tremendous amount of relief washed over me when he finally walked into the bedroom, instantly peeling his shirt from his body. His ripped abdomen was on display for my widened eyes. I looked away when he stepped out of his shorts, becoming completely naked without a care in the world. He walked into the bathroom and closed the door, followed by the sound of running water.

Knowing he was home safe, I curled into a ball and closed my eyes to sleep, the bond satisfied. 

After his shower, he crawled into bed next to me, surprising me. He had been sleeping on the couch for the past few weeks to give me space. Thankfully, he didn't try to touch me - he just turned onto his side and exhaled loudly in exhaustion.

"You missed dinner," I mumbled, breaking the silence. 

He sighed. "It took longer than I thought it would."

"What did?"

"Handling the Monclaw Pack," he responded, shifting on the bed next to me. "Seeing as I killed their Alpha, the pack belongs to me."

I flipped over, looking at the back of his head. "You're Alpha of the Monclaw Pack now?"

"There is no more Monclaw Pack," Roarke said, staying still. "There is the Farkas Pack, twice as large now." I was struggling to process the information as he continued speaking, "It took a long time to explain the rules to the newcomers. Most of them complied - I believe this adjustment will go smoothly."

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