Chapter Eighteen

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Sorry this chapter is short! I've been so busy! 

Let me know what you hope to happen!

                                                            ~ Lissa



I was snooping.

Roarke was somewhere with his pack warriors, promising to be gone for only a couple of hours. I enjoyed a quick breakfast with Maurice, then casually walked to Roarke's office. I hadn't really stepped foot in this room during my time at the house. There was almost this silent command to stay out, but I needed answers.

I was rummaging through his desk drawers, searching for anything that could prove what Scarlett told me. It wasn't that I didn't trust her; I just didn't want to believe her. I knew Roarke was not a good man, but I was slowly starting to accept his bad. If there was more, I couldn't do it. It was too much.

With a frustrated growl, I walked over to his bookshelf, skimming the books. 

I was about to give up when my eyes landed on a curious book. I tugged it from the shelf, then brushed the dusty front cover. When I opened it, I was surprised to see familiar names and sketches of territories. 

My eyes widened.

Monclaw Pack 

Alpha - Julius Monclaw

Status - Top Priority

There was a sketch of the Monclaw territory, along with little bits of information below. I squinted at the awful handwriting, reading in a whisper, 'Weakness is the bond with Chloe'.

I skimmed the rest of the page about the Monclaw Pack, then flipped to the next page. There was a familiar name on this page as well that I quickly remembered.

Louvel Pack

Alpha - Maverick Louvel 

Status - Questionable

I remembered meeting an Alpha named Maverick at the formal celebration. We had been celebrating the alliance, then at the end of the night, I was bumped into from behind by his Beta. Roarke was so angry. I eyed the sketch of the Louvel territory, realizing it was close to Monclaw's territory. 

I flipped to the next page, very curious.

The next page was filled with a bunch of information that didn't make any sense to me. I flipped through the book until stopping on a page near the back. There were scribbles of attack plans, of a list of names, of the predicted amount of causalities. I gaped as I skimmed the next few pages, finally finding what I needed.

I slammed the book closed, then stomped out of his office into the kitchen. Maurice was pulling a pan of blueberry scones out of the oven, humming. I dropped the book onto the counter loudly, startling her. She whipped around, instantly smiling at me, only her smile slipped at the sight of the book.

"Hun, what are you doing with that?" she asked, carefully. "Did you go into Alpha Roarke's office?"

"You've been lying to me," I accused, angrily. "I liked you. I trusted you." She shook her head, putting down the pan of scones. "You told me that Roarke changed this pack. Saved this pack. That's not true, is it?"

She stepped forward. "Hun, you need –"

"Do you even have a daughter and a grandson?"

Maurice pinched her lips together, hesitating. "My daughter is dead." A knot formed in my stomach. "And, my grandson is Alpha Roarke."

I stared at her in disbelief as my world spun. Everything was clicking into place. Everything was making sense now. I dragged my hands through my hair, stumbling backwards and bumping into the table. There was a sympathetic expression on Maurice's face as she held up her hands in a pleading gesture.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, watching me. "It was to protect you."

"You lied to me," I said, giving her a disgusted look. "You made me believe that Roarke had saved this pack from his father, that he saved you and your family. You made me think there was a little bit of good in him." She opened her mouth to speak, but I stopped her by continuing. "But, he's leading just like his father did."

"This pack is strong because of him," Maurice said, proudly. "We remain one of the most powerful packs because of him."

My eyes watered. "Not this way."

"I know it's hard for you to understand," she replied, softly. "But, as mean as his father was, he accomplished great things. He built this strong, invincible pack. Alpha Roarke knew he needed to lead with a hard hand in order to keep what his father built."

"He has children out there fighting to take down Julius," I said, pointing at the book. "There is a list of women in there who have been killed for interfering with 'men's business'." Maurice looked away, taking a deep breath. "And, there is a whole plan mapped out of me falling pregnant and Roarke raising his child as the next Alpha. To follow his footsteps."   

She sighed. "You shouldn't have been snooping, hun."

"I'm glad that I did," I responded, shaking my head. "None of you were going to tell me the truth, were you?"

She didn't reply.

"I-I thought that I could accept him," I stuttered, flustered. "Every terrible thing that he has done so far - I was ready to forgive him and move forward." I inhaled deeply, blinking away my tears. I didn't want to cry in front of her. "I was ready to give him a chance. I thought he cared about me."

"He does care about you," Maurice said, eyes wide. "He's been trying so hard with you, hun. He's been so gentle."

"Gentle and lying are two completely different things," I retorted, bitterly. "This has all been an act. You've fooled me." She looked defeated as I spoke what was on my mind. "He's just as bad as his father - and he's been pretending that he's not with me. The evidence is right there in that book."

She sighed. "Oh, this would be so much easier if you were accustomed to our ways."

I sputtered for words. "It doesn't matter if I am. I know what is right or wrong. Having children fight is wrong. Killing women for speaking up is wrong. Planning my pregnancy when I don't want kids is wrong." I couldn't believe any of this. "All of this is so wrong."

"He has tried so hard with you, hun," Maurice said, unsure what else to say. "Please, the two of you have come so far - I've been here to watch."

"I don't want this," I declared, straightforwardly. "I want to leave. I am done with the lies and the blood. I'm so tired of death." A tear slipped from my eye and I wiped it away with my thumb. "My life has gotten even darker since I've met him. This is toxic. All of this is. I-I want to leave."

Maurice frowned. "You can't leave him."

Of course, at that exact moment, the front door opened. 

In seconds, Roarke was strolling into the kitchen, red and sweaty. He stepped forward to approach me, but I moved away from him. He looked back and forth between us, noticing the look of alarm on Maurice's face. He carefully asked, "What's wrong?"

I jabbed a finger at the book.

His eyes followed, slightly widening. "What did you read?"

"Enough," I answered, standing tall. "You've been lying to me. All of you. You two really had me fooled - amazing actors you are." Roarke opened his mouth to speak, but I didn't want to hear more lies. I didn't want excuses. "Stop, don't say anything. This conversation is just about over."

His nostrils flared.

Bravely, I moved forward and folded my arms across my chest. I looked him straight in the eyes, feeling nothing but anger towards him. 

Then, I said something that I could never take back.

"I challenge you, Roarke Farkas, for my freedom."

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