Chapter Twenty-Two

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Trust me, I didn't survive my Heat without a scare.

It was the next day and I was moaning on the bed, accompanied by Weylyn. He distracted me with conversations and food from the kitchen. I was doing well with controlling my urges; I was winning against my wolf. However, it wasn't me who was struggling the most - it was Julius.

Out of nowhere, the bedroom door was kicked down.

Julius Monclaw stood there, breathing heavily, his eyes wild and feral. His scent overwhelmed the bedroom and now aware of his presence, my wolf overtook me. I leaped from the bed, dodging the hands of Weylyn, and straight into the arms of Julius. My legs wrapped around his waist and my fingers curled into his soft, blond hair.

He planted his hands on my ass, before crashing his lips against mine.

My wolf howled in victory, in relief, in pleasure. His touch was causing my skin to tingle, like sparks igniting all throughout my body. It also created this heat within my core, this need to rip off his clothes. His lips moved with mine, fast and hungry, as if we couldn't get enough of each other.

When he broke the kiss, my wolf whimpered.

He looked at me, tracing my bottom lip with his thumb. "You're so beautiful." He grabbed the back of my head, bringing my lips back to his. This kiss was more passionate, more romantic. When he pulled away again to breathe, he uttered a single word, "Luna."

My whole body went rigid.

He leaned forward to give me another kiss, but I leaned back with a frown. That passion for him, that craving for him, was suddenly replaced with rage. My wolf was not happy. My emotions quickly became dark and upsetting when only seconds ago, I was happy and relieved.

"I'm not her," I stated, pushing at his chest. His blue eyes widened slightly when he realized what name he had said. I struggled in his arms until he finally released me, allowing me to stand back on my own two feet. An ugly scowl came onto my face as my hands curled into fists at my sides.

I was suddenly so angry.

"It was an honest mistake," Julius said, holding up his hands. "My wolf notices the resemblances - "

A loud growl came from my lips.

"You've offended her wolf," Weylyn spoke, carefully moving forward. He was calm, even in this situation. "You should leave the room. Let her cool down."

"What are you even doing here?" Julius asked, rudely. "I told you to get the hell off my territory! You are not welcomed back - what part of our conversation did you not understand?" My focus was on Julius, as my wolf was in control for the most part. "You're lucky that I'm even letting you live."

Weylyn blinked once. "I'm not your biggest concern right now." His brown eyes flickered to me and he nodded in my direction. "Her wolf is taking control."

Julius looked at me. "Chloe, you need to - "

I snarled at him.

"Leave the room," Weylyn said, his expression unreadable. He squared his shoulders and clasped his hands together below his belt. He was absolutely, terrifyingly calm. I wondered if he was afraid of anything. So far, he seemed invincible, untouchable, to me. "I will stay here and look after her."

"Like hell you will," Julius seethed, angry. "I don't want you near her!"

He frowned. "I will keep her safe."

"Like you kept Luna safe?!" Julius shouted, stomping towards him. There was fury in his blue eyes; this was the first time that I was seeing him lose his temper. When he reached Weylyn, he lifted his fist to swing at him, but surprisingly, my wolf stepped in. I snatched Julius's wrist with a snarl, moving between them.

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