Chapter Twenty-Five

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"If you try to run, I will have to tie you again," Rudy told me, just as the rope dropped onto my lap. I quickly untangled it from my body, rising to my feet. I inhaled deeply, feeling as if my lungs could finally expand. Rudy turned away, chomping into an apple. Despite how large and intimidating he was, I wasn't dropping the topic. He couldn't just take me captive, then say something like that - who did he think he was?

"Rudy," I spoke, softly. "You can't declare me your Alpha."

"I can."

"Just like that? Isn't there a process o-or something?" I questioned, tossing my hands into the air. "You can't just declare anybody an Alpha."

"Loyalty," he said, swiveling around and facing me. His eyes were cold as he stared me down. "That's how you start. Then, you learn how to lead, how to fight, how to be someone worth following - consider me your first pack member."

"I don't want this," I said, before jabbing a finger at him. "Take it back."

He didn't blink. "No."

"How do you think I'm going to defeat Roarke?" I asked, curious of his response. However, the only response that I received was a shrug of his broad shoulders. He was unbelievable. "I challenged him for my freedom and yes, he submitted. But, this is his pack we are talking about. He is an Alpha above all else - he will not lose that title for anyone."

Rudy didn't speak.

"Oh, I see," I continued, finally having the realization of what was happening. "I'm his weakness - you're using me." He chomped into his apple again and I moved towards him, narrowing my eyes. "Let me make myself clear. I don't want his pack. I don't want to be an Alpha."

"I've notified Weylyn of our location," Rudy said, chewing. "He should be on his way."

"Are you ignoring me?"

"We will stay here for a few days," he informed me, rather casually. "Then, we will decide what to do from there."

I folded my arms across my chest. "No, I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to go save Julius from Roarke because - "

"How are you going to do that?" he asked, impatiently. "Make a deal? You stay with him and he lets all of us live?" I shrugged my shoulders, not completely opposed to the idea. "Absolutely not. That's the most pathetic way to handle this."

"What do you suggest I do?!" I roared, causing him to step backwards in surprise. "I am tired of being used, of being in the middle of things. I just want to be free - I want to be human again." My voice cracked and he dropped his gaze, not knowing how to handle emotions. "I am not an expert at making the right decisions, but I'm not sure there is a right decision in this situation."

He turned away from me again.

"I'm going to do what I want to do," I declared, shaking my head. "I'm going to go get Julius. If it wasn't for the bond, I would be running the opposite direction - I'm tired of Alphas and all this bloodshed, believe me. But, unfortunately, I'm bonded to Julius and right now, my head wants to put him first."

Rudy peered at me. "If you go back, you won't return."

"I'm not stupid, I know."

"You will want to escape again," he responded, his eyebrows scrunched together. "You know it. You will be trapped."

"I don't have a choice," I said, irritated. "This stupid bond is controlling my life." I dragged a hand down my face, seeing the nearest door. "I'm leaving. Are you going to try to stop me?"

He hesitated. "Go."

I sighed in relief, heading towards the door with quick feet. However, as soon as I reached the door, his voice came again. "You are his weakness. Remember that."

"How could I forget?"

Then, I walked out the door.


Using my heightened senses and the bond with Julius, I was able to navigate myself to their location. It was a far distance, over several miles, but I arrived on Roarke's property before nightfall. Lingering in the trees, I stared at Roarke's house, the familiarity of it giving me chills. I was so dumb and naive within those walls - I had been fooled. And, there I was, mentally preparing myself for what was to come as I returned.

A twig snapped behind me.

I whipped around, grimacing at a familiar face. Short dark hair and green eyes.

"Blake," I said, unable to hide the disgust in my voice. He was just one of the many people who wasn't honest with me, who followed a monster.

He folded his arms across his chest. "We've been waiting for you." I didn't respond as his eyes centered on the bruise on my cheek, which was still throbbing. I kept having flashbacks to Rudy's fist connecting with it. "That's a nice bruise."

"It really brings out my eyes, doesn't it?" I responded, sarcastically. An ugly frown crossed his face as I sighed, looking over my shoulder at the house. "Want to take me inside?"

He stepped forward, roughly grabbing my arm. I muttered a curse word under my breath, right before he guided me to the house. My heart was racing in my chest, my knees were trembling, and I was sweating. I was so nervous to come face-to-face with Roarke again - I still had no idea how I was going to save Julius.

Stepping into the house, a chill ran down my spine.

Roarke had smelled me when I arrived on his property - I knew this because he was inside waiting for me. His authoritative presence was still there, demanding respect and loyalty. His dark eyes skimmed me, lingering on my bruise, but there was no reaction. No emotion. He was cold. I wrapped my arms around myself, attempting to make myself smaller, as I became increasingly nervous.

"Blake," Roarke spoke, his voice cold. "Go find Maurice."

Blake nodded once, then left the room.

I was alone with him.

My stomach leaped when he suddenly moved forward, closing the distance between us. When he reached me, I squeezed my eyes shut, afraid of what would happen.

I was startled when he ducked his head into the crook of my neck, taking a long, deep inhale of me. He was catching my scent again. Becoming familiar with it. There was a pleased rumble from his chest, before he straightened, looking down at me. His eyes were so animalistic, so territorial, in that moment.

"What is mine has returned," he said, breaking the silence. He lifted a hand, gently touching my bruised cheekbone. "Only I can protect you, don't you see?"

I gulped. "Where's Julius?"


"For what?"

He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, a devilish smirk on his face. "For the full moon."

My whole body tensed. "Why?"

"Because, he's going to help you break that bond," Roarke answered, casually dragging a finger down my neck. "Then, I'm going to kill him."

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