California Poppy

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Naomi is my best friend since freshman year. She's mixed race - white and black - with light brown eyes. She's short and her curly hair is always pulled back. She runs track and plays volleyball, so she's basically the very opposite of me. Her = skinny and athletic, me = fat and uncoordinated.

She's pretty smart too. She has a 3.8 GPA and is working on a track scholarship. I love how she's so nice and generous, she's always telling me how beautiful I am and everything. She's like my personal cheerleader.  She's also a Muslim and wears her hijab occasionally (her preference and her family is not strict on belief).

I sit in class, huffing a little after racing to my seat, trying to catch my breath.

She gives me a raised eyebrow and I nod to let her know I'm fine.

I pull my goddess locs back and try to focus. Twenty minutes into class, seniors are called for a class meeting in the gym.

I grab my stuff and sit with Naomi at the top of the bleachers. Our friends, Drea, Thena, Ree, & Shasta, join us.
Drea is sweet and quiet, she's fully black. Thena is Native American and white with gray eyes (if you get this reference, you're probably a Greek nerd). Ree is black and rachet, but both street smart and book smart. Shasta is a gay guy that's very flamboyant at times, with reads and shade like no other. Ree and Shasta tend to keep up with all the gossip. Thena is into sports and dresses like a tomboy, while Drea is more into anime.

"Girl, I am so glad to be almost out this bitch," Shasta said.

"You and me both," Ree says back while the rest of us smile.

"Ahem, Greetings class of 2018, I'm so proud of all of you today, on the journey to graduation and the rest of your lives. This meeting should take about an hour and a half tops ..." Principal White said. I zoned out on the bull about how this year will be great, dress code, what he expects, being a senior, college, graduation, etc etc. This meeting will last two hours plus.

"Whomp, whomp whomp whomp, whomp whomp , whomp ..." he drones and passes out pamphlets. He sounds like a teacher from the Peanuts cartoons.

"Yall going to Exavier's party this weekend? I heard the whole senior class will be there, along with some college boys, most likely his cousins," Ree said as she passed back papers.

"Nah, I have to work," Thena said.

"Same," Drea said.

Shasta scoffs. "I'll be there, shaking this ass."

"I'm in," Naomi says.

Ree looks at me.

"I'll think about it." I don't usually do parties. It's not that I can't go to them, it's just not my scene. I'd rather do something else. Anything else.

Ree rolls her eyes.

"C'mon , it's basically like a kickback. It'll be fun!"

"You might like celebrating your senior year," Naomi said.

"Fine." I pass the pamphlets off.


"I don't know what to wear," I complain to Naomi. We have five hours until the party starts and I'm not even prepared to dress.

Naomi parties more than me, but not a lot. She's wearing her hair down with a nude colored crop top and pale shorts.

"Where's this party anyway?"

She checks her phone. "At USC. Which means you need to hurry up."



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