Tiger Lily

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Adonis Pov

I blink my eyes open to white lights. I glance around the room and notice an IV machine.

I see Zeus fast asleep in a couch near me. Naomi looks up and jumps to me.



"I'm so glad you're okay."

"What happened?"

"You passed out from dehydration."

"Oh. Look, Naomi, I'm so sorry."

"It's alright." She smiles. "Don't stress out the little one."

I looked at her like the meme on instagram of the white man blinking. "Little one?"

"Surprise! You're pregnant."


"You...you're pregnant with a little Ares!"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm serious."

"I'm not dead?"


"You sure I'm not being called home? Those lights were pretty bright."

"I'm definite. That's partly why you passed out. Doctor said you're almost three months pregnant."

I blink at her. Pregnant? In college?

"Say something, " she pouts. "You're carrying my niece/nephew/god child."

I look at her.

Later on that day, I go to sleep. In my dream, I visit a place that yet I've never been before, it gives me deja vú. It's like an old coliseum.  It was slightly foggy, I had on a white gown. I touched my hair, I found a leafy crown on my head. I walk through the deserted arena. I notice a plate of grapes and try some. They taste delicious. Someone brings me ambrosia to try.

I walk on, exploring the unknown. I notice pools of water around me. I decide to swim, feeling lighter than I've ever been. I have never been swimming though.

I get out and see the field of wildflowers in a meadow. I stop to smell some, admiring their beauty. It's so sweet, earthy, and fragrant. They're each so unique in their own way. There's different than common houseplants or roses. The clear smells of wild grass combined with vibrant colors that even rainbows can't touch, captured my heart.

"Embrace it ..."

"Who's there? "

"Embrace your beauty , Adonis."


I look down at my belly, realizing that my weight is now to give life and hope. My stretch marks are still here, but I know more is to come. I rub them, embracing my tiger marks. Tigers, zebras, and everything like those creatures are beautiful in their stripes. Those things are also in different sizes.
"You must love yourself, no one can teach you how to. It's not an easy journey , but your existence and creation is nothing short of beauty itself. Now you give life to someone else. You're so beautiful, I try to show you that in everything. I know you can find the beauty in everything, even graffiti. Things are so beautiful once you look deeper into them. It takes time."

I nod. "Why am I here?"

"It's time you embraced your roots. You are part Greek deep inside. That's why you've always been intrigued by Greek culture. You're African and Greek."

I look down at the petals of a tiger lily in the breeze. The stripes are so different, yet so mesmerizing.

"Ares loves you. You should love past your own insecurities to reciprocate the same love and affection you feel he deserves."

"You're right," I turn to look at whoever it was.

"You can't see me, but that only means you should trust more on what you can't see. You can't see your own beauty, but you should trust that it's there. You can't see the love given to you, but you should know it's there. Take care of Ares' kids. He needs you a lot right now."

I watch as a whirlwind of flower petals swirl around me.


Ares Pov

I look on this battlefield and see nothing but death. I kiss my locket with Adonis' picture inside. I love her so much. I miss Zeus.

I've watched my own close friend get shot in the head. I crawl on as a bomb lands 40 feet away.

I look as someone mouths something to me. It looks like they're telling me run, I run. I run while they're saying something and I trip ...

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