Baby Blues Eyes

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Adonis Pov

After catching up with Morgan, I realized things were going to be decent. We aren't on a relationship level, but I know he wants more. Something tells me it's not worth it ...

"You've got some mail," my roommate, Denise, handed me a stack of letters.


All of it was from Ares. I hold my breath and begin reading.

Adonis, I know you think I'm probably wasting your time, but I can honestly say there's not a moment that goes by that I don't think about you. I know we only spent a few months together but it felt like years. I'm over I'm another country but you're the only thing getting me through this battle. I just want you to know how much you mean to me. I wish I didn't handle a lot of things like I did,but the only regret is not showing you my heart. I've been trained, conditioned to feel nothing, no emotion. When I'm with you, I feel EVERYTHING. I can show you more than I can tell you, there's never enough time to.

Adonis, I've never felt more alone in my life. Then again, I've always been on my own, but without hearing your voice ... I can't function. I don't want you mad at me forever. I just have my reasons. Forgive me.

I love everything about you. Yeah, I'll admit it , cliché or not, but you make me want to be a better man. No one my age nor yours has the amount of intellect you possess. That's way past book smarts. I see a lot in you and I see your insecurities. Just know I love every inch of your rolls. I love you in general. Yeah, I said it.
P.S. my birthday is coming up lol in November.

I smile and wipe away tears. If it isn't love, why does it feel this bad? It hurts knowing what we had and how it left ...

"What's this?" Morgan says as he grabs Ares' love letters from inside my car as I drive to a museum. (His idea of another date.)

"Some letters from a friend."

He reads them as I try to grab them.

"Who is this?"

"They're from a guy named Ares, you wouldn't know him."

"Ares, Ares? That guy from prom night?"


I see him roll his eyes. He mutters something under his breath. I scoff. At the museum, he leaves me a little bit and stayed silent the whole time.

He finally talked to me when we got food. As he talked to me about college, my mind wandered.

You told Ares that you forgave him. You knew you were going to forgive him. You care a lot about him , and what about Morgan's actions? He's acting weird like you're dating him. You're not. You belong to no one.

Look at him, going on and on about football. Usually, you love football and guy stuff but something about his attitude turns you off. Hmm...maybe we should study abroad your junior year. It'll give you space to think. You'll have new experiences, new memories, and you can leave this bs home. Greece? Oh crap, he's still talking.

"I'm sorry about earlier, but he made you so upset that night..."

"It's fine," I say. "He's not bad ... it's just personal stuff."

"You want to talk about it?"

"No, it's fine." I turn away to think about Ares.


Back and forth, back and forth. The letters between me and Ares grew more constant as I told him about college and Morgan and Marvel and football , etc. I found myself confiding in him again. I learned more about him.

He had two part time jobs and decided to enlist in the army. I respect him and everything he stands for. He has flaws but there's something about him. He had to adapt to so much so quickly and I think that's why I appreciate him so much. He's a lot like me.

He sent me a package today. I was so excited to open it, but also anxious. I opened his package and pull out the bear from prom night. I pull out love letters, candy, and a ring box with a note.

Adonis, I know this seems sudden, but wear this when you feel like it. It's not a wedding ring, but it's a promise ring. I'll be home soon. I'll be back around Christmas. You can wear it whenever.

I cry and look at the ring with diamonds and sapphires. I know it must have cost a lot for him. I stare at the promise ring and wonder.

"Yo ... what the hell is this?"

I turn to see Morgan. "What are you doing here?"

"Visiting hours, your roommate let me in...The hell are you doing? " He snatches up the bear. I try to hide the ring.

"You're getting married now?"

"It's a promise ring."

"I thought ... I thought we had something. "

"Morgan, I -"

"You fat bitch!" He threw a vase a my head but I ducked.


He threw textbooks at me. "You're a liar! He's not a nobody!" He coughs.

I duck and my roommate screams, calling campus police. Morgan grabs his chest and doubles over.

"Morgan, are you alright?"

He starts wheezing and flops to the ground.

I rush him to the hospital.


"Ma'am , Morgan has bone cancer along with a touch of pneumonia. I can treat the pneumonia, but as for the bone marrow...we can put him on the list, but I don't know what to tell you until we run more tests." The doctor says.

I nod and look at Morgan in his bed. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

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