-Chapter 6-

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Ciel ran. Without thinking, he opened the door of Sebastian's house, and rushed out of there. He didn't care if it was 02:10 in the morning. He didn't care what the demon will think about his action. He didn't care if he messed up.

He just wanted to go home, and sleep. That was his only concern. So, he ran, and ran, and ran. The teenager didn't even stop for a single moment, to catch his breath. Everything in his mind was still blurry. Even if he found his composure – and courage – to threat a demon, that didn't mean his heart wasn't beating fast from the tense of the situation.

What were these images in his head? What's the meaning behind Sebastian's words? Who the Hell is Sebastian in reality?

The bluenette felt like everything was rushing. He didn't know why, it just felt that way. It has only been two days since he met Sebastian for the first time. 'Though, was it really that the first time I met him?'

Ciel finally stopped running with that thought. 'Do I really know him from before?' he murmured in his head. Then, a flash of Sebastian's answer came to his mind. He wanted to check if he...remembered him?

"No..." he shook his head. 'Lying, is a demon's second nature. He doesn't tell the truth in the beginning, only to make it more painful in the end.' was what he was taught from his elder exorcists. The boy, had seen these words to take form one time in his past...It was something he didn't want to recall; It will haunt him again.

Instead of remembering, he looked around. His bicolored eyes widened, when he realised were his feet brought him. The boy blinked once, twice, and took a deep breath. He was still exhausted from before. How come he didn't have an asthma attack, was a mystery.

He was in the Hampstead Health lake. A place he had visited at least, two years ago. Why was he even there? Well, he had no answer. 'I guess it won't kill me if I stay here for a little bit.'

Ciel lied down under a tree, and looked at the night sky. There were so many stars. Millions, to be accurate. It was beautiful, and relaxing. He could feel all of his thoughts to disappear, as the time passed. His eyelids were trying to stay open, but the stress from the previous events tired him to the bone. So, in the end his eyes closed. And the young Phantomhive fell asleep, letting his guard down; without caring if something bad happens to him.

Not really far away from where the bluenette was resting, a tall figure was watching him, above a tree. He wanted to make sure he was okay. 'Clearly that wasn't the right choice... I should have waited more.' The demon thought. He turned his gaze in the river for a moment, before a memory of his young master sleeping in his study with the window open, made him chuckle. "He's as careless as he was back then..."

His demonic, blood-red eyes softened, when he starred at the sleeping bluenette. Deep inside, Sebastian was glad. Glad that this boy had a second chance in life. He didn't care if Ciel threatened him, the demon knows he won't – no, he can't – kill him.

But, aside all of that; he also wants Ciel to remember his past life, so he can ask him: Why did he committed suicide? It clearly wasn't because he was afraid to give his soul. Now, after all these years and with his rage gone, he could see things differently. It was something else. And the ravenette wanted to find out the reason, no matter what.

For now, the demon just stayed there all night, to watch over his little butterfly. He didn't want for him to get hurt now, did he?


A cold breeze on his cheeks, is what woke up the young Phantomhive. He opened his eyelids slowly, meeting the azure sky. "Wait... Did I really slept here?" he murmured to himself, while rubbing his eyes. The teenager lazily got up to his feet, and stretched. 'I guess I'm an idiot for doing so...'

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