-Chapter 16-

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While sitting on her office, Arabella kept on taping the wooden surface of the desk anxiously. Her eyes were focusing on Aeron, who was currently reading a book in his seat opposite of hers. He looked so relaxed with his eyes resting on these old pages. It was incredibly annoying. "You're not worried at all?" she finally snapped.

Aeron took his glance lazily off of what seemed to be an interesting book about Italian recipes. He didn't quite like it when others interrupt his free time. "About what?"

"Our son, stupid! We let the reapers take him, and now we're stuck in St. Patrick's and he is—"

The older man closed his book with a loud 'thump'. His move scared his wife, making her stop talking for that moment. She wondered if she overstepped the line. "I don't like the way you're talking, Bella. Firstly, that child is not our son. Secondly, we knew from the beginning that this was going to happen. Lastly, don't you dare make a stupid move. Father Lucas won't like that at all. I don't want him coming from the Vatican to shut your mouth up."

Feeling the odds being against her, the woman took a deep breath and gazed outside of a window to her right. The sky was cloudy, which means that probably it will rain by evening. "He is still the child who I gave birth to..." she murmured, swallowing painfully. The guilt was too big to withhold. "Especially after Cedric's death, I couldn't imagine Ciel being hurt. It's just not fair, Aeron!" she cried out, now a tear threatening to fall. Arabella's body was trembling at this point, finally releasing the emotions she casted away all this time. "He's still my child, our child. How can you be so cruel?"

"I didn't ask for it!" the husband argued, smacking the book down to the office next to him. With sharp moves he got up from the chair and pointed a finger at his wife, "all I wanted, was to at least have a normal family. And what happens a few days after their birth? Grim reapers came to our door! All these years, I had to put up with their bullshit about souls and demons, as if my job wasn't enough. Ciel is cursed, I can tell. Since he was a kid, demons were coming for him because they could feel, his connection to one of their kin. I had no rest. Simply because I was threatened to protect him at all costs. And as for Cedric, I saw him die right in front of my eyes! He did nothing wrong, and yet, he was killed.

"I only wished for a normal family..." Aeron softly whispered in the end. His eyes seemed dull for a bit, looking at the floor. Something in it fascinated the man for that moment. He simply couldn't look away from it.

That was the end of the conversation. Arabella figured that she didn't have the courage to break further her husband. Though it wasn't like she agrees with his words. Aeron wasn't entirely right, but he wasn't entirely wrong either. Both of them went through their own torture, just to see the twins – now only Ciel – grow up. Although that didn't mean she didn't love her son. Because of her love she now feels guilty, knowing what will happen to the young boy.

It was starting to drive her crazy.


"Are you serious?!" Gregg literally screamed at his fellow reaper. The man was stunned in his position; he couldn't believe what he just heard.

The blonde reaper nodded anxiously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I happen to be around when Mr. Sutcliffe, Spears and Othello were talking about it. Apparently, they want to do some form of experiments on demons. I'm okay with it, really; But they also mentioned a human child. Something 'bout memories and past lives, making him a bite to the demon they want to catch." He finished plainly. "I'm not one to judge, but why involve a child? It's a rule to not mess with humans. I'm pretty sure they'll be punished if the bosses were to find out."

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