-Chapter 13-

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"So, where are we going?" Ciel asked while walking beside the demon. They just passed the first street next to the townhouse, before Sebastian turns his head to look down to his little butterfly, clad in a dark blue t-shirt and jet-black pants.

"In a place where we can talk freely. I assume you have some questions to ask, no?" Ciel nodded as answer, though a bit surprised that Sebastian knows what he thinks. 'On a second thought, it shouldn't really be a surprise at this point.'

Ciel pondered over Sebastian's words a second time, when he caught a secret meaning behind them. "Wait..." he stopped walking to stare at his crimson eyes, "what do you mean by "freely"? We were being watched?"

The raven-haired male stopped walking as well, to look back to Ciel. "Yes, by your father. He didn't seem really happy when he figured, that you were talking with me." He answered, observing the other carefully.

The boy's eyes widened in slight terror, frozen in his place. "What?! Oh hell no," he mumbled under his breath, now turning back to walk straight to the townhouse. "If I go back now, I still have a chance to make an excuse—"

"No," the demon immediately got a grip on Ciel's hand, making the bluenette to protest in frustration. But before Ciel could open his mouth to express his anger, Sebastian moves his index finger over his lips to shush the teen. "He is aware of the content of our conversation and besides, something feels strangely odd about him. That's the main reason I took you out of the house. There's no way to let you go back now. At least until we talk, but not here." Right after the demon finished his explanation, he moved his free arm gently to Ciel's waist and with his other arm, he picked him up in bridal style. Then, getting a lot of amusement from his little butterfly's yelps and blushing face, he broke into a full sprint.

"H-Hey! Let me down what are you—" another yelp followed the boy's words, because Sebastian jumped suddenly on top of a roof. Then, he chuckled at Ciel's horrified face, while constantly jumping from one roof to another. "Believe me, it's faster this way. You don't have to be horrified by this."

"You bastard! I almost had a heart attack! I'm seriously going to kill you once I step on steady land." The shorter male hissed, frustrated to no end. At the same time, he clung onto the demon, holding him like dear life. 'I cannot find any sense of logic in that lunatic's head. What have I gotten myself into again?' The irony of his question almost made him laugh, but instead, he chose to close his eyes and try to relax. The familiar scent of vanilla and roses was more than enough to calm him down.

On the other hand, Sebastian couldn't be more amused by his little butterfly. A sly smirk was presented on his face the entire time they travelled across the empty streets of the night London. He was holding tightly the boy in his arms, and noted to his head the fact, that Ciel had his eyes closed for quite a while now. 'Perhaps he is suffering from acrophobia? No, that's not the case. Actually, I think he feels light-headed. His expression is relaxed, along with his grip on me.'

Another thought crossed Sebastian's mind, making the smirk to melt into a kind-hearted smile. His eyes softened, locking at the figure in front of him for a moment, secretly adoring it. 'He is trusting me.'

The rest of the ride was silent. A comfortable silence though for both parties, until the demon finally reached his destination. His eyes glanced at the lake for a moment. The place was surrounded by large trees, making the eye to travel far away. A beautiful sight full of nature. The lake only adds more into it, with the moon being illuminated on it.

This place is of these few, where reapers or other demons do not come. Simply because there is no reason for them to do something like that. So, they won't find them. Fast, at least.

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