-Chapter 7-

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"So that's what happened..." a certain blonde murmured, while he played with his bottom lip. His azure eyes met Ciel's bicolored ones, before he crosses his legs on the edge of his friend's bed. Then, his expression darkened a bit because of what he learned. "You really are a careless asshole." He comments.

Ciel huffed at Alois's bitter words, and avoided to look at his direction. He played with his fingers in his chair, an old habit of his. Whenever he was nervous, he couldn't help himself but to act like that. Alois was right though; how could he be so careless, in front of a demon? That wasn't like him. Ciel used to be heartless, cold, or even murderous, when it comes to dealing with demons. But with Sebastian...He didn't know why he acted like a middle schooler, to say the least.

His one-year-older friend was starting to lose his patience, seeing that the bluenette wasn't going to answer any time soon. So, he stands up, and walks over to the desk, slamming his hands on it. "We have to find out more about him," he suggests, his fingers tapping on the wooden desktop.

"Oh, really?" a sarcastic answer came from Ciel's lips, eyes now meeting his friend's, "Did you hear anything from what I said?" he asked.

When Ciel got back home, he contacted Alois to come over. Thankfully, his parents didn't ask him where he was—not that they cared about his life in general. He was important to them only in exorcism matters, because Ciel will take his father's place one day.

Now, he told Alois everything that happened until today morning, except for the memory part. That was something he was going to find out himself. If he discuss this with the blonde, he already knew his answer. "I tried, but failed miserably. The only thing I know, is that he has a weird attachment to me. That creep." He sighs, tiredness taking over his body one more time. He couldn't understand why he felt so tired; he slept for many hours without his rest getting interrupted, but still he felt exhausted. Like, he ran a marathon on a mountain for a good twelve hours nonstop!

Alois took another glimpse of his friend and realised how really sick he looked. His face was paler than usual, and his movements were slower as well. The younger teen's eyes were dull, like his life force was taken away from him, little by little. He leaned over a bit, so he can be at the same height. "Hey, are you alright?" the slight concern was clear in his now calm voice, his left hand reaching to Ciel's forehead. His light blue eyes widened from the sudden heat. "Man, you're burning like Hell!" he exclaimed, taking his hand away.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Was the teen's quick answer, while he got up from his chair, averting his friend's eyes one more time.

Although, the crystal blue-eyed man wasn't going to give up. In a sudden move, he grabbed the shorter male's arm, preventing him to move any further. "You don't even try to lie properly. I never understand whenever you lie or not, but now it's more obvious than the fact I'm a blond. So stop." He commanded, a plea hiding in his tone.

The bluenette turned to face him, but that exact moment, he felt that everything was spinning around him, and his feet were suddenly heavy. His whole body was heavy. Ciel lost his breath for a moment, before he trips over, feeling his consciousness to fly away, like a rose petal getting lost in the wind. The last thing he heard, was Alois's desperate call for him, and quick footsteps coming toward him. Then, he met darkness.


"Common Lizzie, catch me!"

"I will catch you Ciel!"

"Hey kids, what are you doing out here in the yard?"

"Aunt Ann!"

And then, the woman dressed in red, held in her arms the small boy.

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