Love Will Tell Us Where To Go

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"Bring him over here!" Rikki called, and pointed at the couch in her office. Bella and Emma help Will slowly walk towards the couch, as Cleo placed a glass of water in front of him. He rubbed his head in discomfort.
"Are you okay? What happened out there?" Bella asked and sat beside him.
"I... I don't know... Something... attacked us," He mumbled. "It was all so quick..."
Bella sent a worried look towards her friends.
"Do you know what it was?" Cleo asked, with a doubt in her voice.
"Couldn't see anything..." He said. "The light was so bright, it blinded me." He sipped off the water and continued. "It took Nash... And from here I can't remember anything else."
"Well we can't just sit here, we have to look for him!" Emma said.
Rikki nodded. "I agree, we should look anywhere possible."
"Hold up," Bella stood up. "We better wait for tomorrow, it's dark outside, and he could be anywhere."
"She's got a point, Rikki," Emma said and turned to Rikki.
"Why wait until tomorrow? He could be hurt now!" Rikki exclaimed.
"He couldn't gone too far, and it's dark outside. Plus, he knows how to protect himself. If we want to have a better chance at finding him, we should wait for the morning." Bella said and rubbed Will's arm in comfort.
Rikki sighed. "Fine. Tomorrow morning we meet here."


Rikki wasn't quite happy about waiting till tomorrow. The girls were right, they shouldn't go after him at night. But she just had to try.
Rikki swam as fast as she could, like a 600 km/h rocket, cutting through the water. She knew where she headed. She just had to feel like she's done something. Anything.
She slowly pulled herself under the rocky entrance and into the moon pool. She popped her head above the water and looked around. "Nash?" She called. Her voice echoed inside the volcano cave. I guess not. She thought to herself.


The next morning, the entire group meets outside the café, which stayed close for the day.
"Will, are you sure you're okay?" Rikki asked as she stood in front of the door, the others were standing around her.
"I'm fine, I swear. It was all just a little headache after all. I'm fine." He said.
"Okay then. This is the plan," She said, and pointed at Bella, who was first to her right.
"Bella, you go searching in the reefs around Mako Island. And Will, you'll search here, on land. He could still be here."
She said, and they both nodded. "Cleo, you and I are going to search in the open ocean, if he's out there, it us who can find him."
"What about me?" Emma said.
"And Emma, you're going to search on Mako. He could be somewhere in the jungle." Emma nodded.
"I count on us to find him and bring him home!" She called. "Let's get going." Rikki said as the girls started walking towards the edge of the dock.
"Are you coming?" Rikki asked Emma.
"Yeah, I just need to use the bathroom really quick. Go ahead." She said and smiled. Rikki jumped with the other two and they started swimming.

Emma pulled out her key and inserted it into the lock.
"Hey," A voice called behind her. Emma jumped in surprise. "Relax, it's just me." The voice said, and Emma turned to see Bridgit,
"Oh, hi," Emma laughed. "I'm sorry, you scared me."
"Sorry," Bridgit smiled. "Are you close today? That's a shame, could really use a glass of icy lemonade."
"Oh yeah, something popped up. Actually, it's about your cousin, Nash." Emma said.
"What about him?" Bridgit responded.
"Well he's missing... I thought you were staying at their house, didn't his parents tell you?"
"Oh! Oh, yeah, yeah! Of course they told me. It's so sad. Are you going to look for him?" Bridgit asked.
"Yeah, I'm going to-" Emma started saying, and then stopped.
"Going where?"
Emma hesitated. "I should better go,"
"Wait." Bridgit grabbed her hand before she left. "I want to help you find him. Where are you going."
Emma thought for a moment. It wouldn't hurt just to say it, right? "Mako island. We used to camping there a lot so he might went there." She lied.
"I want to come!" Bridgit said, and Emma gave her an uncertain look. "C'mon, I can help. Four eyes are better than two,"
She wasn't wrong, Emma thought to herself. And then, in a moment of bravery, she agreed.
"Great! So... where's your boat?" Bridgit asked.
Ah, yeah. Boat.


Cleo and Rikki rose up from the deep sea into the cold air above.
"Found anything?" Cleo asked. Rikki shook her head.
"What if we can't find him?" Rikki asked. She was clearly starting to process all that was going on, and her emotions started to react properly. She panicked. "What... What if he's gone now? Somewhere far... Or even worse?" She started crying.
Cleo swam towards her. "Don't say that. He's a strong guy, he is more than capable of protecting himself." She hugged her friend. "He's out there, somewhere. I'm sure of it." And somehow, that was all Rikki needed to hear.
She wiped off her tears, "There's this all lot of surface over there that we missed." She said, pointing to her left.
"Then let's get to it." Cleo smiled.


In the meantime, Emma and Bridgit were searching in Mako.
"I think we should go left," Emma said. "We barely touched anything on our west."
Bridgit grabbed her arm. "I don't know, I have this feeling... I feel like we should definitely go right. Gotta trust your guts!" She said and pulled her to the right.
Emma rolled with it, and followed her friend to the path on their right. "I hate all of these bugs," She said, waving her hands.
"Urban girl, ugh?" Bridgit said, cutting her way through the jungle.
"Kinda. It shows?" Emma asked, pushing away big plants and flying insects.
Bridgit stopped in her place. She looked around, as if she was looking for a sign of some sort. "I say we should go... This way." She pointed ahead.
"Are you sure?" Emma stopped behind her. "This path here looks safer."
"I told you, I always trust my gut. It lead me to some great things in life." Bridgit replied.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, they stopped for a break. They both found a wide log to rest on.
"So what kind of things your gut led you to exactly?" Emma said, putting down her backpack.
"Well, here I am." She saying, looking around.
Emma laughed. "Do you ever have more specific answers?"
"Not really," Bridgit said. She pushed herself closer to Emma. "Sounds like you were really close,"
Emma looked at her in confusion.
She continued. "You and Nash, I mean,"
"Yeah, we were good friends. I met him on a plane actually, when they first moved here." Emma explained.
"Did you two ever...?"
Emma's eyes widened. "No! No. Definitely not."
"Not even once?" Bridgit asked, and Emma shook her head in denial.
Suddenly Bridgit moved even closer to Emma, getting face to face, lips almost touching.
"Woah." Emma said, and pushed her a little. "I'm not into that."
"I don't think so. Lesbians can tell when other girls are lesbians. It's some sort of a...feeling,"
"Well your feeling is wrong." Emma said and moved away a little bit.
"You know it's not. Out loud you're denying, but you feel something different inside. You need to be open with yourself."
Her words pierced through Emma like knives. She is not lesbian. She never liked girls. But-
Then, all of a sudden, Bridgit kissed Emma's lips. Quickly and softly. She she then smiled, and stood up. "Should we continue?" She asked as if nothing's happened, but something definitely happened. Something bigger than you think.

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