Bad Liar

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"Hey," Emma grabbed Nash's arm, as he was drinking a juice on the bar at the café. "Can we talk?" She said.
"Sure," He said and she pulled him to the side.
"It's about your cousin Bridgit," Emma said, a little unsure of her words.
To refresh your memory, this is Bridgit, and she's just been put under a spell to look like Nash. And she had an evil plan too, but we're not there yet.
"What about her?" Nash asked casually, but inside, Bridgit's heart was beating fast.
"Well, I just had to ask... Is she still around?" Emma asked, clearly nervous.
"Uh... Well, I wouldn't want her to get close to our secret. You know how cousins are." Emma lied. "Cleo's cousin once came to visit, she was a nightmare." She added.
"Oh," Nash said. "Then she left already."
I should explain: Bridgit had strong feelings towards Emma, especially since that night on Mako, but she didn't know if Emma felt the same, and at last, she thought she figured it out, and her little mermaid heart was broken.
"Oh," Emma said, quite surprised. "I should probably go back to work then." She felt relief, and thoughts started running in her head, that maybe it's time. But as I said, we're not there yet.


"Was that Lewis?" Bella hopped onto the couch next to Cleo, who was clicking her phone shut.
"Sure was." Cleo couldn't help but smile as she talked about her boyfriend.
"You look more excited than after a usual call with Lewis," Bella noted.
"Well," Cleo said, holding her feelings from bursting out. "Lewis and I just talked about it, and he thinks I should go for it." She smiled widely.
"Go for what?" Bella asked.
"Medical school, we've talked about this!" Cleo said and jokingly hit Bella's arm.
"Oh right. Go Cleo!" Bella said and Cleo smiled and rolled her eyes at her.
"I have to tell Rikki and Emma. Any idea where they would be?"
"Probably at the café," Bella said, flipping through a magazine.
"Good thinking," Cleo jumped off the couch and headed to the door. "See you later."


Bridgit, as Nash, was sitting outside of the café, working on her plan. She knew what Aurora wanted, and she knew how to get there, she just needed more time. To be specific, she needed to wait until the next full moon. To say the truth, there was no reason for her to enter Nash's everyday life but for the sole purpose of getting them damn kids off Aurora's back, which would give them more time focusing on getting the job done.
As Bridgit was doing so, Will jumped by and sat next to who he thought was his best friend.
"Hey, man," Will said, pulling out his laptop off his blue backpack. "So I was looking at some new apartments for us, figured you wanted to see them." He said and presented him with a slideshow of several different houses.
Bridgit's heart started racing. Obviously, she couldn't know about their decision to move in together, and she panicked.
"What about this one?" She pointed at a random place at the bottom of the screen.
"You hated this one when we first saw it." Will said in confusion.
"Oh, right, yeah. I don't like it." She covered up quickly.
"Okay..." Will said. "What about this one?"
"You know, I'm not really in a mood for this right now," Nash said and slammed the computer screen shut.
But before Will could react to any of it, the two boys could see a brunette girl walking their way.
"Hey boys," Evelyn said and kissed Nash on the cheek, as girlfriends usually do. Of course, Bridgit couldn't know that either.
"Hello stranger," Nash said, as Bridgit was completely confused on the inside, just trying to go through this situation with the least damage possible.
"Hey Evelyn," Will said.
"Right, Evelyn! How are you?" Bridgit rushed to say.
Evelyn gently punched Nash's arm. "You're so funny, I actually thought you didn't recognize me." She laughed. "The time in the woods really screwed your head."
Bridgit laughed nervously, honestly hoping to be out of this situation.
"So can we talk alone for a few of minutes?" She said.
Nash turned to look at Will and then back at Evelyn. "Sure." He said before Evelyn grabbed his arm and pulled him aside.
Evelyn and Nash moved to one of the outside tables of the café.
"You know, you're acting weird today. You're not happy to see me?" Evelyn said.
"Oh, no, that's not it, I just... have a lot on my mind." Bridgit said. "Oh wow, I love your shoes! You probably got them online, right?" Bridgit said, not controlling her feminine side.
"Thanks, but you've already seen them." Evelyn said, sounding a bit unhappy.
Bridgit swallowed. "When?"
"A few weeks ago when we scheduled tonight to celebrate our anniversary. I thought it wouldn't happen since you were kidnapped, but now you're back."
Bridgit nervously laughed. "We did?"
Evelyn rolled her eyes playfully. "You already did the not remembering joke."
At this point, Will, who was watching from a distance, couldn't stay out of it and he jumped in and took the third seat.
"Nash told me you were going out tonight to the Blue&Pink club..." Will said, laughing as well, trying to cover for his best friend. "He needs to pick you from Spraybe Rd. 47, if I remember correctly."
Evelyn laughed too. "You two are so funny together, you should do a comedy show." She said and picked her bag. "Well, I gotta get going, just wanted to make sure you remembered." She said, and closed her eyes, moving closer for a kiss.
Nash, or shall I say Bridgit, looked at Will in panic, who moved his lips in way of saying "Kiss Her".
Bridgit moved closer and planted a small kiss on Evelyn's cheek. "Oh my god, that perfume. Which one are you using?" She asked, again, unable to control her feminine side.
"Cute," Evelyn said and caressed his cheek before she got up and left.
"You're so stupid," Will said and held his head in his hands.
"Dammit Will, come to the club with us tonight. I don't want to be alone with her." Bridgit said in panic, once Evelyn was far enough.
"It's your anniversary guys, I don't want to be a third wheel," Will said.
"Then bring Bella too!" She begged.
"It's not really her thing,"
"Please, Will."
"Fine. Bros gotta help each other. We'll be there." Will said.


"Guys!" Cleo rushed into the café. She saw Emma and Rikki sanding behind the bar, and sat on the high stool. "I have some exciting news to share," She said, obviously about to explode from excitement. "I'm going to med school!"
"Cleo, this is a terrible idea," Rikki said, placing the glass she was holding down.
Cleo's excitement died out and was replaced with confusion. "What?"
"You can't be a doctor and not touch wet stuff, it's part of the job. You wouldn't be able to do it." Rikki said.
"You said the same thing about me being a dolphin trainer, and I did it. I don't want this mermaid business to stop us from following our dreams!" Cleo said, obviously very angry.
"Well, it's gonna, and you have to live along with it! Unless you wanna be on the surgical table yourself, being cut into small pieces, you shouldn't do it." Rikki said.
"Guys!" Emma shouted. "Stop it. It's not the time and the place. Plus, I have something to tell you myself."
Rikki and Cleo exchanged clueless looks before Emma grabbed their hands and pulled them into the office. She shut the door behind them and took a deep breath.
"I don't know how to say it," She said nervously, playing with her hands. "When I was cruising around the world, I met this girl, Melody. We became pretty close friends, and the night before I returned to Australia, she kissed me. I didn't know what to do, or say, or feel, so I denied it. Forgot it ever happened." She said and took another deep breath.
"And it worked just fine until last week. I met this girl here, in the café, and before I knew it, she kissed me. I never wanted it, but she said she saw I'm down for it, and I thought about what she said. I don't what I am, or what I like, but I wanna be open, and I want you guys to know that. Cleo, you were with me since fourth grade, and Rikki, I can't  imagine my life without you. I shouldn't be keeping secrets from you."

"Are you kidding me? That's awesome," Rikki said with a big smile on her face.
"Yeah, who cares about labels?" Cleo said. "As long as you're happy."
Emma hugged both of her friends, one from each side, as tears of happiness ran down her cheeks.
"Thank you guys."

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