Part 9

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Oliver began to knock on the bedroom door. This marked the beginning of Day 2. "Leo, wake up." his voice sounded cheerful.

Ignoring him, I pulled the sheets over my head. A big waft of Kale's smell comforted me as I was pondering on what to do. "Lleeoo!" he called me again, "Wake up."

"No," I said defiantly.

A long pause followed my answer. It made me want to laugh and hide at the same time. "Come on,' he said, "Let's go shopping!"

"I don't want to." I replied.

By now, I was worried on the actions he may take with me. Was I going over the line? I suppose I was when his answer figuratively broke down the door, "Oh, so you want to play?"

His voice was very happy with just pinch of evil. With my head still under the sheets, I heard him open the door. At first, I was nervous. When I felt the sheets rip off of me, I knew I pushed it. Oliver had climbed over me and held my wrists to the bed. He slowly bent down and whispered in my ear, "If your still dirty," he paused and tugged on my ear with his mouth, "I can fix that."

I felt my chest tighten and didn't know what was happening. My heart beat became fast and it was harder to breath. "Oh," Oliver said slyly, "You do want to play."

I had to say something, but what? Right when I was going to open my mouth to protest, the phone rang. Oliver sat up, reached for the phone, and came back to rest on me. He was sitting over my hips, making me feel awkward. "Hello?" he spoke formally.

His hand began to slide up my shirt, his cold fingers making me want to jump. "Oh, Kale! What's up?"

Immediately, I froze. My longing was so strong even though I saw Kale not too long ago. "Oh, Leo?" Oliver said looking at me with a smile, "He is still in bed."

"Let me talk to him!" I shouted.

"Yes, okay. I'll make sure to tell him." and he hung up the phone.

I threw my fist at Oliver, but was caught. "What did he say?" I tried not to sound desperate.

"Why should I tell you when you don't want to speak with me?" he said, his fingers circling my belly button.

My mouth hung open, I didn't know what to say. "Let's go to the store." he said again.

"Okay." I gave in.

Oliver put his hands on my chest and slid the jacket over my head. I just laid there, letting it happen. He slid his hands down to my boxers and stuck his fingers under the elastic, I still wasn't fighting back. "You're no fun when you just let it happen." he said climbing off of me.

He walked to the door and turned back, "Don't make me come back after you, or I won't stop next time." and he disappeared.

In a hurry, I changed into fresh, oversized clothes. I ran out of the room just as Oliver passed by. We looked at each other for a moment and then walked out of the house. We spent the whole day buying yummy foods and carried them around town. We laughed and had a good time, which felt abnormal. It was about six o'clock when we were just about finished. "Hey, Leo?"

I looked at Oliver, who was carrying more than me. His arms were full of muscles, "Want to take a break?" he said sighing.

"Yeah, sure," and I followed him to a park bench.

I sat on the right side and he sat at the left. His eyes were closed and he really did look tired. I sat with my hands in my lap and waited to go home. Suddenly, there was a tap on my shoulder, followed by a ringing bell. It startled me just enough to where I fell into Oliver's lap. He jumped a bit and blushed at what he found. "I'm sorry," an old man had said.

Sitting back up, I shook my head and told him not to apologies. "Would you like an ice cream cone?' he said, patting a big cart behind him.

Before I could say anything, Oliver answered. "How much?"

"Just a dollar. I will pay for half of it, as an apology." The old man smiled through his white mustache.

"Leo, what flavor do you want?" Oliver said, pulling out his wallet.

"Chocolate, please!" and I was handed one.

Oliver paid and the old man went on his way. "Aren't you gonna get one?"

"No," Oliver said with a sigh, "I don't have enough money."

Immediately, I felt bad, which he probably sensed with my half hearted licking. "Don't worry Leo, just enjoy it."

As it got half way down, I looked at Oliver. "Want some?"

I tried to be nice because he had his moments. "Just a taste," he said leaning in.

Before I knew it, I was being kissed. His hand held my face up. As our lips met, I felt a shock run through my body. Oliver lightly tickled my lips with his tongue as he pushed it into my mouth. As he flicked it around, I could feel myself reacting. My lips were pressing harder against his as he flicked his tongue against mine. My breathing became heavier and I felt as though I couldn't breath. When I pulled away, my guilt towards him transformed into guilt towards Kale.

"What am I doing?" My head fell into my hand.

"Awe, the ice cream fell." Oliver said as he stood.

The chocolate stained the concrete. We both awkwardly watched as the ice cream melted and turned into an ugly sludge. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Let's go home." and he began to walk.

As I followed him through the streets and up the hill, I debated against myself. "Just a taste, huh?" I said a little angry.

"I know you thought it was yummy." Oliver said, his voice became seductive.

I didn't know what he was talking about; the kiss or the ice cream. I kept my mouth shut for the rest of the night. After we returned home and I hid out in the room, the day was finally over. I was left confused and sick over many factors of not only the day, but the rest of Kale's absence as well. Oliver stuck his head in the door and with a soft voice said goodnight.

"Wait!" I yelled for him to come back.

He popped back in rather quickly and walked over to my side of the bed. Softly, slowly, he held my face in the palm of his hand. "Yes?" he said as he moved in for a kiss.

"Kale," it was the first thing that popped into my head to stop the movement and obviously worked.

He stopped and pulled away a little, "What about him?" a harsh tone came through his mouth.

"What did he say to you this morning?"

"He wouldn't be able to call until tomorrow." Oliver said walking out.

I could tell he was upset, but Kale was my top priority. "That's it?" my heart hurt because it was nothing really important.

"That's it." he turned off the light and closed the door, leaving me in complete darkness. "What am I doing?" I said, disappointed in myself.

After laying in silence for so long, there was only one issue that was on my mind... "Kale, when are you coming home?"

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