Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Leighton's eyes felt heavy as she lifted them. The light from her window was pale and thin, early morning light that made Leighton want to close her eyes and drift back to sleep. She stretched and arched her back, muscles tense and wound. When her eyes were fully open she looked around her room, groaning at the mess it was in and promising herself she'd get around to cleaning it later.

Then she saw the stone.

Sitting on her nightstand, next to a glass of water and a tube of lip chap was the object that would bring about the end of her life. Small and tranquil, the stone sat alone, the high point reflecting the morning sunlight.

With steady fingers, Leighton reached for the stone. Just before her hand made contact there was a knock at her door which sent her heart straight into her throat and her stomach to her knees.


"Leigh?" Karen called through the door, "are you up?" Leighton's mouth went completely dry. It was almost too easy to picture Karen in her scrubs, blond hair pulled hastily back and her blue eyes lined with years of worry. "Honey?"

"Don't come in," Leighton said, the words weren't her own. Her voice was too strangled, too high, to be hers. Leighton cleared her throat and tried again, "I just woke up and I'm changing."

There was a slight pause. "Are you okay?"

Leighton's smile burned her face. Tears rose to her eyes and her throat became blocked with what Leighton could only describe as raw, terrified emotion. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Okay," Karen said. "Well, I'm off to work. I'll bring in dinner tonight, maybe Thai? Call me if you need anything hun, love you." Leighton shoved her fist into her mouth and screamed, tears leaking out of her eyes and falling down her cheeks.

Leighton stilled, eyes stinging as she listened for the sounds of Karen's departure; the shuffling of shoes, the jingle of keys, the creaking of the front door, the revving of the car's engine, the squeal of tires.

Leighton jumped out of bed and began pacing, eyes trained on the stone on her bedside. She watched the obtrusive object as though she were afraid it would get up and walk away. Leighton tangled her fingers in her hair, pulling hard at the roots.

She dropped her hands to her waist and froze, mind running in circles as she thought. The stone's presence had dropped a boulder on her chest. She took a deep breath, trying to dislodge the weight but failing.

"No," Leighton sighed, closing her eyes and sinking to the ground. A buzzing sound forced her eyes open, tears obstructing her vision. Her phone was buzzing in the pocket of a pair of disregarded jeans. She reached forward and pulled on the pant leg, dragging the jeans towards her and grabbing her phone from its pocket.

Leighton frowned, not recognizing the number as she accepted the call. "Hello?"

"Leighton?" Leighton's voice failed her as she heard Tate's voice. How was she supposed to tell him? Or did he already know? "Leighton are you there?"

Leighton cleared her throat and nodded. She smacked her forehead and sighed, "yes."

"What's wrong?" Tate pressed, voice strained and slightly breathless. Leighton couldn't say anything. Tate continued, his voice raising in pitch. "Killian wouldn't talk to me when he got home last night, he wouldn't say anything. I felt this strange pull towards your house and I thought maybe it was because he had to mark Tom or your mother. Leighton, whichever one it is we can get through this together."

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