Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Finding Tate wasn't easy. A full week passed with no sign of him and as June came to its end, Leighton started to abandon the hope that she was going to see him again.

Leighton was curled on a lawn chair in her backyard, cradling a paperback and sipping on a lemonade when her mother appeared at the backdoor. Karen was dressed like a tennis player, ecstatic at the break in the rain.

"Leigh!" Karen shouted, waving an arm. "The phone!"

Leighton creased the top of her page and jumped up, nervous energy swirling as she made her way to her mother. Karen smiled as Leighton approached, eyes bright. "I think it's good news," Karen said, making a show of crossing her fingers.

Leighton ignored her mother as she entered the living room and grabbed the phone, knotting her finger in the old-fashioned cord as she mumbled a hello. The voice on the other end was familiar.

"Hey, Leighton," a man greeted, "this is Trevor from Dante's Tavern." Leighton made the connection. She was talking to the bartender.

"Oh—yeah, okay," she replied, "hi."

"I'm calling about the application you filled out," Trevor continued.

Leighton's heart bulged with hope. "And?"

"Well," Trevor said, "we're pretty short staffed this summer so I was wondering if you'd consider coming in for an interview."

Leighton blinked, ignoring Karen as she waved her hands around and mouthed off questions. "Of course, when?"

"As soon as possible would be the best," Trevor said, "would today work for you?"

Leighton caught her mother's eye and nodded. "Yeah, that's cool."

"Awesome," Trevor rattled off, behind him the sound of clinking glass and conversation swelled. "How does three sound?"

"Perfect," Leighton replied, excitement starting to creep into her voice. "That sounds perfect." Beside her, Karen was grinning.

"Okay, see you then."

Leighton returned the phone to her cradle just as her mother pulled her into a fierce hug. Leighton laughed a little and hugged her mother back, feeling proud. She was one step closer to being employed.

"I'm so proud of you, Leigh," Karen beamed, "this is just fantastic!"

"Thanks mom," Leighton mumbled into Karen's shoulder.

Karen placed her hands on Leighton's shoulders and leaned back slightly, her eyes roaming her daughter's face. "I was so worried after everything that happened with Braden. You were so lost and convinced that you'd never be able to move on with your life."

The moment disintegrated.

"Braden?" Leighton repeated, mystified as to why that name was tugging at her gut.

Karen blinked. "I'm sorry, Leigh, I shouldn't have brought him up."

Leighton was struggling to breathe. Braden. It was another name that pulled at the threads of her memory. Braden. McGuinty. Rook. What did they all have in common? And more importantly, why couldn't Leighton remember?

"No, mom," Leighton said woodenly, "It's fine. Really."

Karen seemed surprised. "Anyways, I'm proud of you." Karen kissed her forehead and left, leaving Leighton confused. Leighton wished she could press her mother on the subject further but she couldn't, not unless she wanted to come clean about her failing memory.

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