Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Leighton spent a full day thinking about her conversation with Killian. The entirety of the time was spent in her room, staring at the photograph of her mother as she combed over each and every one of Killian's words.

Leighton didn't know if she could trust him, didn't know if she could believe anything he said. She knew that she didn't want to. There was no denying Killian's ability to lie and manipulate, but there was reason to doubt his motive to.

Killian was the sort of person who was a stickler for the rules. The main objective of his conversation with Leighton was to get Tate to follow them. So how could she argue that any of his arguments were false when his goal was honest?

As much as she tried to keep her mind's eye focused on the biggest problem, Tate's impending eradication, Leighton couldn't stop half of her from being petty. It bothered her more than she thought it would, Tate caring for other people like her. Though, Leighton knew she couldn't blame an immortal for having past relationships, she could blame Tate for dragging her into a world she would have been better left out of.

Leighton recalled the term Killian had used, the makers. Had he been referring to the people above him? The ones who chose the time and places of death? The people who were responsible for Tate's memory lapses?

Leighton made a noise in the back of her throat, catching the time out of the corner of her eye. Standing up, Leighton moved to her closet, grabbing her uniform and tugging it on. Work started in twenty minutes.

Karen caught her on her way out of the door. "Leigh? Are you alright, sweetie? I haven't seen you all day and you were so quiet at dinner last night. Did you not like Tom's friend? I thought he was a nice guy."

Leighton smiled. Sometimes it felt like the corners of her mouth were held upright by puppeteer strings. "He was fine. I'm fine."

Karen's eyes narrowed slightly, aware of the lie but knowing not to push. "Alright, well, Tom's taking me out tonight and I'll probably stay at his place. Will you be alright on your own?" Karen's eyes never strayed from her daughter's face.

Leighton nodded, swallowing hard. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Leighton was relieved her mother was going out, it left her night free and she had someone to talk to.

"Fine," Karen echoed, relenting to give her daughter space. "I hate when you use that word. You know it worries me."

Leighton kissed her forehead. "And you know you worry too much." Leighton left then, driving to Dante's Tavern with her head somewhere her brain couldn't reach. Her phone rang, making her swerve slightly, almost nobody ever called her.

Ignoring it, Leighton kept driving, one eye on the road and the other on the ominous clouds that seemed to be rolling into town. St. Hope was never sunny for too long, Leighton didn't mind, she preferred it to be overcast. She just didn't like driving in thunderstorms.

Dante's Tavern wasn't overly crowded. The usual crowd hung around the bar, keeping Trevor busy while a few families enjoyed meals in the restaurant while the pub was still kid friendly. Leighton gave a curt nod to Trevor before unloading her stuff in the back.

A drink was already spilt by the time Leighton tied her apron. She cleaned up the mess quickly, working her way through half a shift of spilled liquids, dropped trays, and gum stuck under tables. It didn't matter how much time Leighton spent cleaning, the pub was never going to be pristine.

To be fair, Leighton should have expected the St. Hope police team to come in, they almost always did on a Saturday. However, seeing officer McGuinty so soon after experiencing firsthand what Braden did to her still set her off.

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