Chapter 2//

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Tyler's POV
WHAT DID I JUST DO? This is bad!
Really, really bad!
But it was also good.
What are you saying Tyler? He's a total player. I'm sure this has happen-
"This has never happened before.." he told me.
Oh. My. God.
Joshua D- Josh Dun, said, I was.. special! That's.. that's
Oh shut up. He doesn't care about you.
Yes he does!
Well, maybe not yet.
He won't ever care. You have a better chance dating a bird.
Shut up!
"Tyler, you're special. I can sense it."
"T..thank you.."
I was really flattered by it. He thought I was special..
"Would you like to come to my house later..?"
"M.. yeah. Why not..?"
"Cool, I'll see you at 3 then."
He kissed me on the cheek and got off the bus with his friends. I got off last.
I sat down next to Zack.
"Hey cutie." He said to me, he was gay too.
"Don't do that Zack. You know you're like a brother to me."
"I could be your daddy."
He said giggling.
I admit it, I laughed too, we both hated that.
"Whatever Zack."
Josh approached our table.
"Ugh what is happening!" Zack yelled.
"Hey." Josh said.
"Back off jackass." Zack said.
"Don't threaten me." Josh said.
"Guys, relax."
"Tyler, do you wanna sit at a table with me?"
"He's sitting with me. Like always."
"I think we should let him decide." Josh said
"Seems fair." Zack responded
"I um.. I can't do this.."
I ran out into the hall and hit some of the school bully's, but I kept running until I reached the art room. No one was in there.
I took a second to breath and the bully's came up behind me.
"Did you run into us?"
" Well.. Ye.. yes but I swear it was an..a accident."
"I think he's lying.."
I was ready for it. I knew I was gonna be beat up anyways so I just let it happen.
They pinned me up on the wall and punched me. My nose started bleeding, it got all over my shirt. I watched it fall, they threw me on the ground and kicked me until I became unconscious. I don't have any idea on what happened next.
Joshs POV
I quickly followed Tyler but someone had locked the door. I jammed it open to see him laying on the floor unconscious. I picked him up and took him to the hospital.
In the car I checked his pulse.
"I hope he'll be alright.."
I took him into the hospital.
"Excuse me ma'm.. My boyfriend is unconscious, please is there any way you could get him into a room?"
"Yes honey, here comes a stretcher now."
I almost collapsed watching him lay on that stretcher.

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