Chapter 3

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Josh POV
Tyler was okay. I wasn't. I saw him laying there and broke.
I cried and cried and cried.

Tyler's POV
I saw him, I wasn't still asleep. It broke me. I opened my eyes and he looked up at me.
"Josh..." i said.
"Tyler! Dear god you're okay! I was so scare-"
"Come closer." I said to him motioning my finger.
"O..okay.." he walked to my bed and his head was casting a shadow over my face.
"Closer." i said.
he leaned closer to my face.
I kissed him.


Tyler's lips were clean, yet the taste of blood still remained on his mouth.
I pulled away and took a breath.
"Yeah Ty..?"
"How did you get me here..?"
"I brought you...."
"Because I care about you."
"Well.. thank you."
"Please don't, it's not a problem."
The nurse walked in, "So your boyfriend woke up? That's great! The doctor said he could go home today or wait until tomorrow, whatever you pick."
Tyler shot a nervous glance at me when he heard "boyfriend". I was just relived to know he was okay and didn't think anything of it. Besides, I was gonna ask him anyways. Maybe..
"I think i'll go home tomorrow. My mom isn't home anyways." Tyler said.
"Fantastic! Is Mr.Dun gonna stay too?" She asked.
Tyler looked at me, I just nodded.
"Well you have time to decide. I'll give you some privacy." She left.
"So um... that.. um... b.."
I could tell he was nervous, so i just kissed him again.
"Josh!" He yelled.
"I'm sorry.."
"No, no it's not the kiss. I just wanted to ask you a question..."
"Oh okay, shoot."
"Why did you tell the nurse you were my.. "
"Because, I wanted to ask you to be my boyfriend when you ran off."
"But we haven't even been on a date..."
"But does that matter?"
"Well i'll wait."
"No no, yes."
"I'll be your boyfriend!"
"Thank.. thank.."
"Get over here and kiss me."
I followed his directions.
That one kiss felt like it took forever to end, but i didn't want it too. I pulled away to catch a breath, but Tyler just started talking. As much as i loved his voice, I still love his lips a tinnnnyyyyyy bit more, but i stopped.
"Will you stay here with me tonight, please..?"

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