The Victory of the Romans and the Lowest point on Earth

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Allah says in Quran:

"The Romans have been defeated in the lowest land, but after their defeat they will soon be victorious. Within three to nine years. The decision of the matter, before and after, is with Allah."
(Quran 30:2-4)

These verses were revealed around 620 C.E, almost 7 years after the severe defeat of the Christian Byzantines at the hands of the idolater Persians in 613 - 614 C.E.
Yet it was stated in the verses that the Byzantines would shortly be victorious.
In-fact, Byzantine had been defeated so badly that it seemed impossible for the Empire to even maintain its very existence, let alone be victorious again.

Around 7 years after the revelation of these verses, in December, 627 C.E, Byzantine army surprisingly defeated the Persians in a decisive battle that was fought in the area around the Dead Sea.

Another miracle revealed in the mentioned verses is the announcement of a geographical fact that no-one would have been able to discover in that period. In the third verse, it was mentioned that the Romans were defeated "in the lowest land " (Quran 30:3).
The location where the main battles took place (Damascus and Jerusalem) lie in a vast area of low-lying land called the Great Rift Valley. 
This fact has been discovered recently with the help of satellite images, that the area around the Dead Sea (Great Rift Valley) has the lowest altitude on Earth. In fact, the lowest point on Earth is the shoreline of the Dead Sea, with an altitude of around 400 meters below sea level.

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