(#NL) OST The Princess Man - Vola

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Vola lassù 
Vola lontano a te 
Sola tua voce che mi fa sentir libera 
Solo le tue carezze che mi fanno esistere a qui 
Mi fan sentir, mi fan veder, mi fan parlar...vera 
Non sento piu, non vedo piu, non parlo più...mai 
Non dormo piu, non credo piu, non vivo piu...mai 
Fammi morir, fammi cader, fammi veder 
Non resisto a vivere 
Senza tuo amore 


Fly up there,
Fly away to you.
Only your voice that makes me feel free,
Only your caresses that make me exist here.
It makes me feel,
It makes me see,
It makes me talk, truly.
I don’t feel anymore,
I see no more,
I don’t speak anymore, ever.
I don’t sleep anymore,
I don’t think anymore,
I don’t live anymore, ever.
Let me die,
Let me fall,
Let me see
I can’t resist to live
Without your love.
Fly, fly away to you, to you.


Nihhh bebb GaluhCahya8  pesenannyaaa 😂💓

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