Chapter 1

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"C'mon, baby boy, we've gotta go pick up my dad from work." Quincy said, giving the boy next to him a pat on his back, making Ollie nearly fall forward on the ground.

"W-Woah! Hehe... Yeah, yeah.." Ollie mumbled after he was caught by his best friend. The boys had been like brothers for a long time now. With his father working oversea, and his mother not being there, Ollie needed someplace to go. Quincy and his family took him in. The long and tan boy treated him like a little brother, too. From a stupid nickname to taking pictures of him literally every day. Though it was clear they were just good friends. Quincy had a girlfriend, and Ollie... well, Ollie was a different story. He was gay, but he was so desperate at hiding it that it was obvious as hell. Quincy's father worked for a British business which shipped wine to mostly America. Ollie himself had never been there, but he had heard the family that owned the company was immensely rich, and that Quincy's father had seen them himself. They had a son which was a year or two, three older than Ollie, and he was a Business Management major. People said he dyed his hair blonde, but that it was naturally red. Perhaps he could see for himself one day...

"Pardon me, we're looking for Dellon? Dellon Owens?" Quincy asked the lady standing behind the service desk, his arms on said desk, which was made of beautiful mahogany wood. The walls were a perfect white, wooden stands with wine next to the front door, and some red sofas against the wall. In the background you could hear some chattering, and it smelled... fancy. Like wine and snacks, like perfume and fancy clothes.

"Oh, of course, I'll see if I can find hi-"

"HANNA!" A voice with a heavy British accent yelled, the door behind the lady swinging open. A young man with wavy golden blonde hair, which was a little reddish at the top stood there. He wore a fancy red jacket, with golden buttons, and a tie made from a golden-like fabric. A pair of handcuffs hung loosely from his pocket. He was... He was straight away hot, was Ollie's first thought. A faint blush dusted his cheeks, and he quickly walked to the stand with wine bottles. His mind went places, and he couldn't even hear the small argument going on behind him. When all that was taken care of, Quincy was told to go look alone. "I'll be right back, Ollie!"

"Mhm, I'll... see you in a moment..." The soft reply came. Ollie only stared at the stand for a while with his thoughts somewhere else.

He stood there for a few minutes before he was pulled away from his train of thoughts by two gentle hands placed on his shoulder, and a hot breath in his neck: "Impressive, huh?"

Ollie flushed bright red, and jolted around, to meet with vibrant blue eyes, golden hair that faded to red as it got to the top and a smirk. The same handsome boy looked at him, pulling his hands away and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Y-Yeah..." Was all he managed to say, fiddling his thumbs.

"This is all going to be mine one day soon, you know?" The smirk grew.

"Oh, r-really...?" So this was the son of the owner he'd heard about. A family business. Well, it was a charming man, he'd probably do well. Wait, why would he do well just because he's so handsome? Ollie was so confused with his own mind, so he tried to focus on the young man in front of him.

"So, what's your name, cutie?"

"E-Eh? I'm... Ollie... Oliver D. Aedeline..." He answered, having to bite his cheek. He called him a cutie... He had to go before he would say something wrong!

"That name really fits you, cutie. I'm-"

"George Fredrick Lewis! What did I say about talking to people below us?" A deep voice rang through the lounge.

"Excuse me? Last time I checked, you were talking to them too. Go bully your employees, leave me alone, I'm talking to someone."

"Ahem? Young man, do not speak in such tone to me."

"Psh. I'll see you around, Ollie~" And so he was gone. The tone he said his name in made his heart skip a beat. The boy was left a blushing mess, not knowing what to do. This family did seem to have a thing for interrupting people...

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